General Discussion

General DiscussionBloodseeker's performance at The Summit 8

Bloodseeker's performance at The Summit 8 in General Discussion

    Picked 4 times. Lost every time.

    And they think that he is strong enough now and are actually starting to nerf him again. Ahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaaha.

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      not this shit again

      chicken spook,,,,

        not this shit again


          what hapened to blood?


            i guess hes at the same place as necro and bara now

            its called "not in the meta pub"


              His 7.07 talents are better than his previous ones imho. However, like Slark, Spectre, and PA, his laning stage is a lot tougher due to the removal of PMS. If he wins his lane hard, he is stronger than ever before.


                He's still a good counter to generally hard to kill heroes like weaver/storm/etc.

                He's not a hard carry. So if you're BS against AM, you'll need to end early.

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  He is a niche hero now. Instead of an overall good core hero, he should specifically be picked to win lanes and to counter certain heroes, which is fine.


                    i'd put him in a 2/3 position


                      how is he at all a counter to storm, like yes he has a silence but storm should never get caught by it.


                        Bloodseeker isn't a counter to storm. You could argue the opposite due to ball lightning movement ignoring rupture damage. However, I find storm a favorable mid matchup for bloodseeker.


                          bs hasnt countered storm since bloodrage silenced lmao


                            Valve should give good old bloodrage silence BS back maybe in lvl.20,25 talent?


                              can someone explain why he doesn't get more love mid?


                                Level 10 talents are objectively weaker than his 7.00 talents. Used to be 5 armour or 25 damage, now it’s 4 armour or 25 attack speed.

                                Level 15 attack speed talent was shifted to health, idk maybe that makes it better, but he hits less hard. The bloodrite damage increase is the biggest joke of a talent, half the time it never even hits the enemy. -0.75 second delay on bloodrite talent would be way way way way better.

                                Lifesteal talent moved to level 20, definitely worse than the 10 stats. He doesn’t manfight heroes and doesn’t deal massive crit amounts so lifesteal items have always been not worth picking up on him and that applies to a talent too. The rupture damage talent has always been worthless since the point of rupture is to hold an enemy in place for 12 seconds, any damage they take from rupture is incidental and 95% of the time you’ll only get the move damage from them running out of the bloodrite aoe. If they don’t move then that talent does jack shit.

                                Bloodrite cooldown talent nerfed by a sec (first bloodrite cooldown nerf in 2 years!!!!). The plus 20 damage/movespeed from thirst helps him scale a bit better lategame but it does nothing to fix the biggest issue for the last 2 and a half years which is that he never gets any extra damage until an enemy is already at 75% hp. Seriously change this shit to “thirst scaling from 75-25 to 100-25” and the hero would actually be decent again. Until then he will always remain dumpster.


                                  Good. Sorry that he is your best hero though.


                                    murranji he had a 250-300 hp talent at level 10 and that is why the hero was op bro. idk how u play against an op hero for a whole patch and dont notice he has 1700 hp at lvl 10 with treads str and sange


                                      I’ve played against bloodseeker twice in the last 12 months and won both times.

                                      Used to have a 70% winrate on the hero. Not playing him again until he gets an actual proper buff to his thirst value. I would give back every other “buff” he’s received since August 2015 if it meant he got the previous thirst scaling back again.


                                        As a 3K Bloodseeker player, he's really weak on his own right now. Tread switching with him is a must, with his mana problems. And still the perpetual problem of being a ganker without TP cancels. Hard to run him midlane now, without PMS.
                                        He' still really good when comboing with heroes who force movement, like Pudge. More recently, I just played a game with my friend on Skywrath mage, and we wreaked havoc.

                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!