General Discussion

General DiscussionIs magic viper good?

Is magic viper good? in General Discussion



      Yep i can confirm


        i can confirm that i just ufkin lost


          ^^was the radiance a good idea?
          Maybe a pike or a scepter?


            Isn't viper just a magical hero now?
            Can u give the build u used?
            I have a 70% Winrate with this hero, and I go veil or lance first, then finish Pike or blademail or maelstrom. Bkb situationally, maybe ac, otherwise mjollnir then on to luxury items like orchid, linkens, butterfly, generally agi right click talents. Take the 120 dmg talent, it's a bit nuts on an agi hero in the lategame.


              radiance did nothing yeah cause we lost like right after but i dont think any item would have changed that outcome


                I usually go Ring of Aquila power treads then go for veil of Discord into Kaya, then build a scepter. Go for the spell life steal talent, the +6 corrosive skin dps, and the 120+ damage


                  Kaya is shit, so is aghs
                  Ur still mostly a right clicking hero, once they make a buildup for Kaya with sny I think it'll be really good on viper tho.
                  Veil is fine tho.


                    Lol okay buddy




                        imo radiance octarine shivas is qiote good on viper. the hero itself went from lane dominator with poor lategame to very situational but still versitile

                        viper is amazing vs heroes with predictable movement during fights (or none aka medusa) who rely on a passive, like dusa pudge huskar, even viper itself Kappa

                        still not a top tier pick in general

                        btw my general impression is, that heroes who can do both - deal magic dmg and rightclick with the same itembuild are very successful right niw


                          Yeah, that's one way to go. I strongly recommend against Veil, since you are just building Viper into a weaker Venomancer with this item.

                          Get Maelstorm, maybe Radiance if you can afford. Scepter and Guardian Greaves should be the core items for this build. Both Kaya and Aether Lens are decent.

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            radiance is not bad, just super hard to farm and you definitely need an item before it, something like hood or drum, to be more survivable because radiance is pointless if you just die. maelstrom is a safer bet generally.


                              Radiance is theoretically good but super hard to get and ignores vipers power spikes
                              I might try out drums as an alternative to veil or blademail, the Mana Regen sounds really nice.
                              Hood is just a situational item for him in general, idk if u need it every game.


                                Veil radiance blackmail and octa Shivada is the way to go. Maybe throw in a butterfly for the extra evasion and agility. Don't forget to take the 13% spell lifesteal talent.thanks me later


                                  magic build viper is good, esp in early-mid game. Lategame its not as effective but still good. Just make sure your team has another carry that has lategame, because i recently went 22/9 and lost because my medusa has no idea what to do


                                    I built Rad/Octarine since 6.84, but please do not build Veil. If you really want Veil, play Veno instead. The only problem with Radiance is that Viper needs to kill 5+ heroes within 10 minutes or farm mid for 15 minutes to have the relic and still have an impact. Since that rarely happen in a "very high skill" game, maelstrom is the safer bet. Save the Radiance for the snowball stomp games on your smurf.


                                      Fucks wrong with veil
                                      It's far more affordable, most of ur dmg then is magical, and the stats are nice too for the hero.

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