General Discussion

General DiscussionClutch-saver heroes (oracle, dazzle, sd, etc)

Clutch-saver heroes (oracle, dazzle, sd, etc) in General Discussion

    How do you face the dilemma when you sense enemy lion or lina gonna zap your 30% hp carry soon so you think you have to pre-cast your shit, then they just dont come at all? The same goes with the rng mechanics like crits and javelin procs


      This literally makes no sense

      Cancer Malaria

        if you see the enemy chasing your 30% hp carry, yeah use the save


          ^What part doesnt make sense to you?sry for my bad explanation

          I mean you never really know if your teammates will died too fast before you can do anything with your spells, and you regret it aftwrwards because you didnt do anything


            @Malaria it's not the condition i imagine,
            for the example when your carry farming carelessly on the lane with low hp and you know none of the enemy heroes are showing up on minimap, i dont want to get blamed because im around but dont get a chance to use my spells because it happened too fast


              Well, you never know.

              In the example you give it is better to provide vision (either ward the entrances to the space your carry is in or to be in the way of enemies, so you see them coming. You cant react to something you don't see. As well, your saving spells are for few seconds, so if he is ganged, he can still die anyway. With SD, it is a bit easier, you can scout with your spells as well or make copies of yourself to scout the way.

              I would say these saving spells are more for objectives/team fights/early and mid game when you are accompanying your carry/team and you can expect something happening. If you have farming/split pushing hero with fast movement (travels+manta/AM/void etc), you cant do anything about it except keeping vision.

              Yea, you can cast the spell, but it will be on cooldown and when it will be needed, it might not be possible to be used.


                If u can cast the spell then cast it
                If u can't then oh well
                There is nothing to what ur asking



                    If theyre gonna die better to he safe, you’ll know when you need to do it as you get better


                      how do we do it?
                      game sense


                        You need to get into zone and predict enemy movement

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          game knowledge. if you have the range of their spells, its much easier to react in time.


                            Its all about map awareness. You should be trying to keep track of the highest threats instead of just watching your carry. if you have lost the highest threat use it. If u use it and nothing happens you back up to a safe spot until your ult is ready for its next use stay near you carry and buffer the gank if you have to. You can save him based on their movements not his HP. A lot of last minute saver heroes just watch their carry and he dies to a crit or random SF invis ult or something unpredictable... unpredictable to the Oracle not paying attention to hero positions.


                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!