General Discussion

General DiscussionPangolier

Pangolier in General Discussion

    Why no one buys vlads and bloodthorn on pangolier?

    Story Time

      lol, do we rerally have to explain this? like REALLY?

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        You want to make full use of Swashbuckle and Rolling Thunder instead of right clicking
        Pango is pos 3 material that can have two paths -- the third core or just classic pos 3


          it's been an hour yet i got no legit answers

          Story Time

            ^posting stupid question wil not get your legit answers that you can simply look up in your brain... if you had one ofc


              the answer is why the fuck would you buy vlads and bloodthorn on pangolier


                on a more serious note, vlads gives mana regen and armor which is nice, but aquila gives you that too and costs 2 times less, and lifesteal is pretty irrelevant on pango anyways
                bloodthorn does not synergize with pango himself in any way whatsoever, just a 7k gold debuff that can be dispelled easily, no reason to get bloodthorn on pango specifically (sometimes it can be good in a certain game i guess, but then it would be good on any other hero too)

                Charteuse Gale

                  well it was expensive and pango swash buckler is easily the best when you have javelin, mkb, diffu or abysal

                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    Also Arcane Boots is way better since you're gonna spam skills


                      because no pros itemize it yet.


                        you dont need arcane boots that much, aquila + talent give you enough mana regen, and before you reach level 10 you can just bring a clarity or two to satisfy your mana needs


                          I haven't played pangolier myself but i think Urn>Aquila unless you have something like NS, Bounty or ES on your team who's planning to get it.

                          low prio master

                            Couse ppl are not that retarded


                              why noone buy vladmir and bloodthorn on pugna


                                @Umbranox urn actually looks pretty good too, i should try it more
                                but aquila also gives you attack damage so you can kill some creeps without having to use your spells, and similar to urn if no one on your team is planning on getting it, getting one could be pretty useful


                                  @Nick You dont rly need to attack the creeps with pango once your 1st and 2nd spell are maxed out and you have a javelin you can clear the whole wave instanly.


                                    @storytime thanks for telling how dumb and stupid i am i just played it once and i rarely played against/with it (also i'm new to playing offlane)


                                      I bought vlads because i think i need to sustain mana and it's like a cheap satanic with the swashbuckle also i realized that bloodthorn isnt that necessary so a tanky item would much be better like cuirass


                                        you don't even play pangolier so just shtup storytime


                                          @Umbranox yeah youre right, urn is probably better now that i think about it


                                            vlads doesnt do what pangolier wants
                                            pango wants to abuse his q or his ulti as someone pointed out
                                            u can go stuff like javelins and diffusal to make ur q a very balanced spell
                                            or u can go stuff like blink euls to win every teamfight
                                            or u can go shit like vanguard halberd to become insanely tanky with w even
                                            vlads doesnt provide him with what he wants, he doesnt manfight with the lifesteal, he doesnt stay in the middle of the fight to give the aura to his team, and he doesnt push towers a lot


                                              do vlads and bloodthorne have synergy with his abilities? no.
                                              does it make sense to buy them when your team needs the ls/silence/truestrike? yes. he is a utility hero, so buy what your team needs to win

                                              Potato Marshal

                                                I'm an idiot who doesn't know how Pango works, do crits work with swashbuckle?

                                                Story Time

                                                  you don't even play pangolier so just shtup storytime

                                                  Why are you so stupid to assume that i dont play pango?? You think that is my only account? (i have 2 more smurfs) Also, you remind me all my low mmr teammate who never ask themselves "why am i buying this item", it is simple question but silly people seem not to understand that it has to be posed before item purchase. Well not everyone is phd i guess :D


                                                    @potato yes it works

                                                    guys you can just buy clarities,aquila gives a better stat rather than vlads

                                                    thorn err,i think better get some hex if the game really needs some lockdown or eul

                                                    Forget me not

                                                      Vlad is okay I think, but not really needed unless you wanna build sustain to push for the creep,
                                                      Bloodthorn is just a a waste of money cause other item give you better disable as other have said abysal blade.

                                                      @potato Marshal cleave work too with your swashbuckler .

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