General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to deal with a Zeus you just cant reach

How to deal with a Zeus you just cant reach in General Discussion

    God this hero is obnoxiously annoying to play against. Takes away half your hp with one spell and the other half with another. People come and say “just buy hood and pipe LOOOOOL 4head” but the global nukes and the retarded damage. I mean I know he has weaknesses but what if his team already covers them. Do we just wait for a mistake or an opening?


      “just buy hood and pipe LOOOOOL 4head”


        It's like asking how you deal with Enigmas 5man black hole you can't dodge...
        Zeus isn't that evasive, not as much as a Tinker. At least you have a chance of finding him -.-


          "if team covers his weaknesses",

          this sentence pretty much applies to all heroes.


            *u can escape
            *U can nuke back
            *U can stun
            *U can harras /kill in lane by ganking
            *U can use blade mail/carapace
            *Use linken
            *Use kite
            *U can Ward
            *U can stay away from him
            * U can Blackhole/rev polarize/ aoe stun
            * U can use hood and pipe
            * U can heal urself
            * U can silence him
            * Use orchid
            * Use visage
            *Use pudge
            *U can burn his mana
            *Use silencer
            * U can get Bob
            * U can play those noob shit ANTIMAGE and RUBICK


              Depends what hero you're playing.


                Ur ultimate aim is that ancient to destroy not Zeus

                Dark Hunter

                  But what if zeus is actually the ancient in disguise?


                    Pray to the God to save/destroy you

                    Tu tayta

                      ^ How the hell does a Storm Spirit manage to die 15 times against a team with a single disable? And the solo offlane zeus dies the least?




                          no idea how they lost lane i was jungle so if u wanna win vs zeus when ure teammates have autism u need to jungle :D


                            I hate playing against Zeus as well mate. He, tinker and sniper are most annoying.

                            If you are core, you want something what can get on him and just kill him in few seconds - Huskar, AM, Brood, WR, Storm, Lycan. Or just shut him out of lane with Viper.

                            If you are support, early game can be some ganker, who will not let him farm. LAter in game, Silencer, IO.

                            Regarding poopybutthole:

                            Main issue was for this storm, that it was 4x5 and he had really bad matchup (naga+sniper). 10 minutes in the difference was 2.5k.

                            If they are retarded enough and not pushing, you can comeback late with 4 cores (their only HG is sniper).


                              on a side note

                              does anyone understand why does zeus have 60 base damage on lvl 1 with null


                                My team pick zeus I pick huskar can't touch my zeus if I'm attacking your face.


                                  reach him


                                    does anyone understand why does zeus have 60 base damage on lvl 1 with null

                                    not played in pro scene = no nerf needed


                                      "no idea how they lost lane i was jungle"


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