General Discussion

General DiscussionHow about a minus armour SF build?

How about a minus armour SF build? in General Discussion
Palmen aus Plastik

    Solar Crest, Desolator and Presence Talents. Redundant?

    Lruce Bee

      better to just stack damage


        Very situational if they have magic type nuker in oposite team you are dead in a stun because of HP pool you gonna have wearing those items. That build is for Clinkz at least he can hide in strafe from missile based disables.

        Potato PC

          Anything works on below 3K/legend.

          SASA POPOVIC

            Anything works bellow 3k if you are good enough yourself to pull it off famalam, i can go to the zoo and train a monkey to press a stun when he sees black spoopy hero like SF.


              hello 900 hp 10k nw hero :D


                Ehh get ready to get bursted down by magic damage

                Palmen aus Plastik

                  The talent tree has two presence talents. Both of them seem so useless in any conventional build. Was trying to find a way to integrate them somewhere. Got any ideas?

                  SASA POPOVIC

                    ^Implying SF is only hero that has dead useless "never pick this shit" talents.


                      SF with both talents melts towers and the aura lvl 25 is broken.

                      AC + aura is -16 armor ; towers have 19/29 armor at that stage of the game.

                      -16 armor is stronger than a lvl 2 corrosive haze.

                      Not sure many people realize just how OP that is considering most heroes will have 10-15 armor if they're not DK/agi.
                      That's negating 33-45% of their mitigation.


                        Just implement bots and mask of madness -unless enemy has heavy physical dmg- (prioritize splitpush! You can backdoor!) into your normal SF build and you can make these talents work.


                          With that build you will be bursted very quick by enemy once they initiate on you. Even with bkb and satanic and already lvl 25, I still could burst him down with a simple crest and necro primal roar. Just look at my last game.


                            Splitpush only work if you were playing below archon games were they doesn't deal well with it. If it a divine game,good luck trying to scratch their t2 without dying 5 sec after.


                              But what if you have good
                              P O S I T I O N I N G :thinking:
                              Deso + AC + talents is 85% bonus damage against T3 towers just from -armor BTW.


                                the good positioning is definitely not within attack range to tower


                                  when u have 1000 hp and no bkb


                                    Preety much make SF a glass canon,like sniper but with less range and more atck DMG.


                                      Why are you assuming you dont buy stat items or bkb on this sf? Aghanim or skadi AND bkb or at least linkens is pretty much bought every game?


                                        Yea splitpush doesnt usually work that well,but you farm so fast and get early stat items like drums and dragon lance , you can always skip travels for treads too


                                          is -5 armor aura worth anything?


                                            it comes so late, it's useless


                                              Ruins sf's snowball potential


                                                Absolutely true, i lost so many games trying to force this build. Its not a powerspike you should base the game on, its just like an alternative win condition where one wom fight threatens objectives greatly.