General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat are the exploitable weaknesses of NS players?

What are the exploitable weaknesses of NS players? in General Discussion

    What are the most common weaknesses in normal skill players that I, as a normal skill player myself, can exploit?


      being bad

      flourishing new leaf

        why? u want to smurf? if you can't figure it uot you're in the correct bracket

        MOTO GP

          alrighty then

          flourishing new leaf

            If you want to be a better player though, and increase mmr that way. Then pick heroes like sand king and roam the map. Go some standard build and as long as you play good dota you will win.

            MOTO GP

              Hm what do you mean by heroes like sand king though?

              SASA POPOVIC

                Roamers that shit on evrybodys lanes, they will start tilting and pinging teammates because in normalskill nobody uses ports to countergank, they are also shit at playing from behind so once your team snowballs its GG


                  spirit breaker

                  kill mid 3 times, he abandons because no one helps. GG ez mmr.

                  what harold said is true, low mmr players have no clue how to play from behind (5 heros sit in jungle and let enemy team farm the other 90% of the map) also they do not understand that their invo mid cant be blamed for dying 3 times mid when sand king appears out of nowhere and stuns him, they flame the hell out of him.


                    @OP : Wht is your weakness as a normal skill player that high skill players can exploit?
                    Bulb = lit!


                      map awareness


                        do you actually use keyboard and mouse in your games?


                          not simultaneously no.


                            Have you tried playing with two hands?

                            But seriously, Biggest Tips for players in struggletown of low brackets.

                            1. Be humble
                            2. Communicate your ideas/thoughts, even if its trash and you get muted.. Saying 'do you have sunstrike' 'i have stun in 5 seconds' Will help your team get on the same page.. 'pudge is missing' 'pudge is bottom'
                            3. Get a kill, get an objective... Biggest mistakes in lower brackets is not capatilising on advantages.
                            4. Don't follow suit.. If everyone in your bracket is playing a 30min laning phase with 5 carries... Be the odd one out or you deserve to be there.
                            5. No Skillshots.. Period... Everybody loves the feeling of hitting that arrow, sniping that hero with powershot etc, however funadmentally, untill you have a better game understanding missing skillshots can turn very easy teamfights into very easy teamwipes. I've had multiple games with 6k+ players asking us '4k' scrublords to pick heros without skillshots, because the same concept applies.
                            Look at VP, arguably one of the best teams in the world... If you look at thier drafts 99% of the time, its easy to execute. *sandking, Slardar, Venge, Ogre* etc. Click on the hero, the hero dies.

                            in general,
                            Normal skill is still learning mechanics/matchups.. High skill is implimenting mechanics/matchups.... VHS is applying the mechanics/matchups.


                              Reaction time


                                ^^ no it's all wrong according to my smurfing experience crusader/guardians are either smurfs or braindead u just pick a hero like zeus mid and win vs anyone unless someone with brain or out of luck pick viper or they pick zeus and u pick viper which ull win or ure teammates feed and abandon


                                  Use mouse instead of trackpad


                                    1)map awareness- pa greatly benefits because of her 3rd. they don't like watching the map so exploit it.
                                    2)decision making- they usually go "all in" so you should target their mvp.
                                    3)efficiency- they are not time efficient thus resulting in a slow farm so be efficient so you could outlast them.
                                    4)builds- this is just the same as no.2 which is that they just go "all in" with an addition of using silly builds. so you could counter what they build with this weakness.
                                    5) mindset- they just want stats and good records rather than winning the game. exploit by stomping them resulting in a bad mood for not getting good records.
                                    6)coordination- they hate cooperating because of no. 5 so they mostly solo the game which will lead to their downfall because nobody can 1v5 (except spectre with dispersion talent). make sure to help your teammate if he goes hunting.

                                    That's all I can say.


                                      Seriously i got to 3k just by right clicking enemy heroes lvl 1 with my boi lycan


                                        @Mekarazium rofl please hahahaha.

                                        Truth be told, nobody here is going to write any magic words that are going to help you. But here's something that could potentially help: coaching

                                        Reason being, you were NS 3 years ago. So I think someone has to actually sit you down and school you. I dont think you have much talent for this game based on my experience. But there's no harm giving it a try.


                                          Just pick spectre lol games go on for 45+ minutes every single game, no one can gank safelane, even if you have trilane the enemy carry will not be able to outfarm you and you can just buy radiance and win

                                          i troll

                                            hmm probably they are all going solo on map so you can gank anyone if you group up with your team

                                            or just get clinkz/storm spirit and kill their cores until they quit


                                              Map awareness, communication, and transitioning into different phases of the game.

                                              SASA POPOVIC

                                                ^Lel, only transition that hapens in normal skill is from laning phase to jungling phase :D

                                                MOTO GP

                                                  @k3v big words from someone with 46% winrate in the same skill bracket

                                                  MOTO GP

                                                    Anyways thanks for all the help peeps

                                                    Banana Cat

                                                      i raise my mmr from 1.3k to 3k..
                                                      their weakness is farming efficiency.. 1k and 2k can't farm properly..
                                                      just outfarm them

                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                        They dont do anything properly


                                                          Depends if you're 1k or 3k