Explore Clips
Fnatic.Universe kills Fnatic.EternaLEnVy!
Newbee vs compLexity Gaming
DOTA Summit 9
0:09 1 0 86
Fnatic.Universe kills Sneyking!
Newbee vs compLexity Gaming
DOTA Summit 9
0:09 1 0 402
Fnatic.Universe kills EG.Arteezy!
Newbee vs Shopify Rebellion
The Kuala Lumpur Major
0:24 1 0 156
Fnatic.Universe kills OG.s4!
Newbee vs Shopify Rebellion
The Kuala Lumpur Major
0:09 1 0 152
Fnatic.Universe kills EG.Arteezy!
Newbee vs Shopify Rebellion
The Kuala Lumpur Major
0:11 1 0 159
Fnatic.Universe's triple kill leads to a team wipe!
Newbee vs Shopify Rebellion
The Kuala Lumpur Major
0:44 5 0 246
Fnatic.Universe gets a double kill!
Newbee vs Shopify Rebellion
The Kuala Lumpur Major
0:32 5 0 221
Fnatic.Universe kills EG.Cr1t-!
Newbee vs Shopify Rebellion
The Kuala Lumpur Major
0:15 1 0 163
Fnatic.Universe kills OG.Fly!
Newbee vs Shopify Rebellion
The Kuala Lumpur Major
0:09 1 0 104
Fnatic.Universe kills OG.Fly!
Newbee vs Shopify Rebellion
The Kuala Lumpur Major
0:09 1 0 129
Fnatic.Universe kills EG.Cr1t-!
Newbee vs Shopify Rebellion
The Kuala Lumpur Major
0:10 1 0 81
Fnatic.Universe kills EG.Cr1t-!
Newbee vs Shopify Rebellion
The Kuala Lumpur Major
0:12 1 0 153
Fnatic.Universe kills EG.Cr1t-!
Newbee vs Shopify Rebellion
The Kuala Lumpur Major
0:13 1 0 136
Fnatic.Universe kills IMT.Forev!
Newbee vs Marchoutofarmy
The Kuala Lumpur Major
0:09 1 0 89
Fnatic.Universe kills HR.MiLAN!
Newbee vs Marchoutofarmy
The Kuala Lumpur Major
0:11 1 0 116
Fnatic.Universe kills HR.MiLAN!
Newbee vs Marchoutofarmy
The Kuala Lumpur Major
0:11 1 0 59
Fnatic.Universe takes First Blood on IMT.Forev!
Newbee vs Marchoutofarmy
The Kuala Lumpur Major
0:16 1 0 63
Fnatic.Universe kills coL.Zfreek!
The Kuala Lumpur Major
0:11 1 0 68
Fnatic.Universe kills Fnatic.EternaLEnVy!
The Kuala Lumpur Major
0:13 1 0 81
Fnatic.Universe kills Sneyking!
The Kuala Lumpur Major
0:09 1 0 68
Fnatic.Universe kills Sneyking!
Newbee vs compLexity Gaming
The Kuala Lumpur Major
0:09 1 0 50
Fnatic.Universe kills Fnatic.EternaLEnVy!
Newbee vs compLexity Gaming
The Kuala Lumpur Major
0:09 1 0 63
Fnatic.Universe gets a double kill!
Newbee vs compLexity Gaming
The Kuala Lumpur Major
0:30 3 0 103
Fnatic.Universe kills Sneyking!
Newbee vs compLexity Gaming
The Kuala Lumpur Major
0:10 1 0 63