General Discussion

General Discussionyall kids playing in a hidden pool

yall kids playing in a hidden pool in General Discussion


      I was all ways under the impression its tries to group low bs with each other but dota doesn't have enough of a players base to force it when you consider mmr and region's. Especially at off peak times.

      None the less bs wouldn't impact your mmr enough below 5k were your own play could improve so much that one could have a positive win rate without to much effort.


        ^^ Not true, It would have an impact, not very big but definitely there, having better teammates = win games.


          Thats why i said impact enough.

          Also have good bs ques you with new players.

          Issue with bs is it give people reasons to point fingers instead of dealing with the real problem.


            Also have good bs ques you with new players.


            Maybe when you play unranked games but not ranked? If you're 4k and have 8k+ bs you would que up with other 4ks so there's no 'new players thing' that applies to 4k+ ranked.


              Btw, am I correct in assuming people with low behaviour scores don't get their weekly reports to be used on other players, or atleast get them way less than those with high behavior scores? I noticed this when I had around 5k BS due to abandons from power cuts. I could never report intentional game ruiners for almost two weeks. Now that I'm back up, it's like I almost always have one spare for those special cases. And I haven't even seen the 'we have punished a player you recently reported' message...


                Yesterday I got 4 of those messages in a row, got 1 today aswell, they keep stacking up but that's not hard to do if you would see with what kind of people I play =D.


                  Dota isnt gonna put a newbie dota player with 6k high bs player they gonna be normal skill ~1k hidden mmr players


                    @H^ I wasn't talking to you and don't want your opinion. I know what kind of posts you've made in the past few days.


                      That post was a jebait thread, I was purely trolling. Anyways, either you want them or not, I'm still gonna respond to it.


                        i somehow always have one report xD

                        and i report alot


                          That's because the person you reported got into LP so you get a report back.


                            thast why i que 10 mins last days LOL


                              ALwyas get stuck with cancer trash, so i guess im in hidden pool search.


                                ^its funny that you always say that you are skilled enough to be at 6k yet complaining about hidden pool in, idk, low 3k?

                                Any Q'ers?

                                  @stanceworks probably not, unless you getting que times and games where your team consistently is 0-11 by 11 minutes or you literally have to get 25+ kills every game and 11k building dmg to win every game.


                                    been in this pool for a while with behavior of 4.5k


                                      Just another way valve ruins games and makes MM unfair. Hope the non believers stffu now

                                      meteor hammer

                                        Just another way valve ruins games and makes MM unfair. Hope the non believers stffu now


                                          regards gecko

                                          meteor hammer

                                            if theres a hidden pool dire is in it

                                            aghs rush offlane lich, tusk spamming gg and feeding, mid nyx with a 25 min pipe rush, and generally just playing as 1+1+1+1+1 vs our 5



                                              "Isha" akbar>Sigmar Umgak...

                                                try to give team mate a friendly tip to the equipment or laning, whatever ( im always friendly in chat )...... for example: legion in my team fight 10x a Pa with deso and basher^^ and win 1of10 fights ( one win because of 5vs1^^ ) , i suggest silveredger and bm to win fights
                                                80% of them get instantly mad and start brainless toxic flaming and report me after game.... xD

                                                sry for my bad englisch ;)


                                                  iduno guys i want to believe it but all it says is longer queue time.


                                                    Just another way valve ruins games and makes MM unfair. Hope the non believers stffu now

                                                    Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                      Benao trying to find excuses for being barely 4k after 6000 games.

                                                      As Cookie said, it's not like your behavior will stay low 24/7 unless you're uncontained monkey. Only wild animals will behave like a retards all the time, and honestly they deserve to be cut out from normal mm.

                                                      Just admit you suck and that you're bad and improve, it's never too late.

                                                      I was literally one match away from 2k MMR not a long ago, meet Cookie, listened to him, tried to play as much as I could like he said to me, and now I'm happily sitting at 3.5k again, hopefully untill the september ends I'll be able to get 4k back.

                                                      We just suck, there's no magical pool, there's nothing in a long term that will stop you from gaining your deserved MMR.

                                                      It's all on us, once we realise that, we might get away from trash-mmr.

                                                      It's pretty simple, if we're stuck in 3k/4k because of bad team-mates, how come bunch of good-players already escaped even 5k..

                                                      Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                        But I guess it's easier to be uncontained animal thinking you're hot shit and a special flowflake.


                                                          btw the fact that matchmaking takes into account behaviour score has never been an impossible idea. its that ppl are using it as an excuse for sucking - which does not make sense at all.


                                                            ayy vertox actually accepted he was shit and improved again good stuff. now if only SLQ and mafioso can do the same lul

                                                            Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                              I was always aware I suck, it's just that I wasn't able to adapt and re-learn things.

                                                              Hell, I'm aware I still have a lot to learn, meaning that I still, obviously, suck.

                                                              Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                Uh what a surprise. "...will have an additional search parameter THAT MAY increase the time it takes to find a match" so nah, it's not only increased queue time, that's a consequence.


                                                                  rofl. why are u celebrating. this has been my positioning. your bad because u suck and not because of behaviour score. u just went full retard


                                                                    also, its been awhile, nice to get such a big reaction from you. rofl jebaited

                                                                    Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                      That ridiculous attempt at making it look like you're this open-minded and respectful person that has always considered the idea of bhs having an impact on matchmaking (hm hm, sure) when all you did was spamming "dunning kruegerr!11!" and offending people deserved not this, but a 10 pages laugh. And it was my pleasure to show this "big reaction" as you dumbshits were proven wrong again, just don't mistake my laugh at your endless retardedness for true attentions. rofl attention w.hore





                                                                          Diox, you got to understand that just by it existing and putting players there, you're not really playing dota. Do you get it? How is that fair when the same parameter for mmr is used for 2 different types of games? If only these reddit whining noob shits didn't complain and keep complaining about an issue that even exist then the report/lp system wouldn't have turned to shit and we wouldn't have the current system where dota is unbearable, even to some extent for those high in behavior score because real toxicity has been generated and spread further due to the discontent of said system. But hey, "my duh durp volvo phycologists managing this shit" "purfecct zyztem".

                                                                          As it is right now, you and I don't play the same. Dota pubs will be enjoyable once again when punishment dissapears and you let mmr regulate itself now it's just a random shitshow in a big mmr spread. The only exception to this are the pub spammers/abusers of meta shit. And that is not dota. In a stable, fair team like dota once used to be those shits would only get around 50% win, but since it is skewed now, it's the best method to win dota games.


                                                                            ive always assumed (if it is used in matchmaking) that it would be for both teams at least. otherwise u are right, it wouldnt be fair.
                                                                            its still dota, just dota for toxic players. u get what u deserve. i mean its not like non-toxic players dont go through the same troubles of trying to coordinate with 5 complete strangers wanting to do what they selfishly want.


                                                                              u have to realize ppl who get tons of reports and low behaviour score are really really small proportion of total population.


                                                                                most of what you find 'unplayable', is just you not willing to adapt beyond your expectation of what dota is supposed to look like.


                                                                                  Which is why we have people at 10k these days too. We were stuck in a top 6k (and that was with half of them abusing) for more than 2 years and now look at the shit we're stuck with. Once the mmr starts regulating itself those fake spammer fuckers would fall to their real mmr. (Though, as things are already way too fucked up, the only way i see this getting fixed is either resetting mmr to lets say, groups of 6000 for everyone over 6k, 5000 for everyone between 5-6k and so on OR introduce increasing levels of skills distribution where you can climb or fall after a certain amount of games, according to your performance/AKA wins in your current skill level.)

                                                                                  You would still need to skewer the top part tremendously and have top players ranking from that certain group only. Much like inhouses. You could just call it regional MMR where regional doesn't relate to country origin.


                                                                                    So i should play like shit and bend over every game? Just because if i don't one of the 3x fucking 2k infiltrated cuunts will ruin my game? How is that the same you play? and how is that dota? I've even tried to play as stupidly as i can, doesn't fuccking work. There's no way to adapt to that shit


                                                                                      I'm running an experiment on Truckernaut's account and I've been keeping track of the results here:

                                                                                      the first thing I've noticed is that the queue times are 5-10 minutes on average.

                                                                                      During the first 6 games i was doing my standard stuff, but then as mafioso pointed out that the method for testing was flawed as i was just trying to prove different things with those games by communicating and playing in different ways to achieve a different type of victory. Ex the disruptor game i was doing a siractionslacks level PMA and stomped it hard to 20 min GG, arc game i just stomped and told my team to go push, slark i did my standard what i would do in 3k etc.

                                                                                      So after that we agreed that i should stop any communication with my team unless the game is guaranteed over, even if i didn't do a siractionslacks i simply could be un-tilting my teammates without me noticing it with my standard communication/teamplay.

                                                                                      We also agreed that i should be not playing my top 10 heroes as i could simply stomp too hard for my teammates to go feeding. Now, obviously, i didn't want to play just any random hero as i still want to finish the boost so i play carry/mid heroes.

                                                                                      I picked up brood because i wanted to learn the hero, as i haven't played him in 2 years, though I'll stop playing brood because i learned it too fast so I started stomping 10-25 min.

                                                                                      So, what i kept as results:
                                                                                      - intentional ruining/feeding
                                                                                      - intentional AFK
                                                                                      - intentional abandoning
                                                                                      - destroying items

                                                                                      I did not count bad gameplay on players who actually tried to play as i simply would've marked almost every player in every match as ''bad gameplay'' as it's in comparison to me.

                                                                                      I did not count in flaming of any kind as i simply do not have the chat log for the enemy team, a dog that barks doesn't tend to bite.

                                                                                      Both teams had a similar amount of intentional ruiners, the only reason the enemy team had a bit more was because i was stomping most games and that caused some people to blame/rage, which caused others to ruin.

                                                                                      It's still not out of the option that the enemy team is also hidden pooled, as the enemy is simply getting the same level of shit as i am.

                                                                                      If you ask me, this account is not even 1% different from any other 3k account i've ever boosted, excluding the annoying queue times. As a testimony to that you can win these games properly are my first 6 games, as these players are still normal human beings who can be brought into proper gameplay with even simple things as saying "hello, how are you" at the start of the game.

                                                                                      I could see that some players here have just gotten here because of bad gameplay, rather than being toxic/ruining, as i met quite a few really polite but non-skilled players. Otherwise if you are a toxic pig who can't have any PMA then you truly belong to be swimming in shit.

                                                                                      I'm still not convinced of this, after this experiment is over i'll repeat it on a 8-10k BS 3k mmr account, and do the same tracking. To me it's simply just another 3k account, with basically almost no differences to any other 3k i've played on.

                                                                                      My conclusions are my own, you can make any conclusion you want out of the data.

                                                                                      I'll keep doing the experiment and track more.


                                                                                        wow surprise, your experience of bad/good games is dependent on whether your team is winning/losing. if youre losing (Because of a good player in the other team - surprise u are more likely to get ragers on your team).

                                                                                        who would've known. this shit's correlated. when it starts becoming about your team, you know your no longer good enough to carry your games = teamplay matters. none of this is new. but at least it should show that u get toxic shits on both teams. i.e.,
                                                                                        behaviour score is not an excuse for playing bad.


                                                                                          Im definitely put in some valve shit because i que 10 15 every gake last 1 week but im luckily stopming evrry game so doesnt bother me

                                                                                          also , the team and enemies i get are the mmost toxic noob players i ever met ( i thiink valve do this on purpose theres gotta be possible)


                                                                                            i also think benao get low bhs players in team and game overall

                                                                                            but its not like its not winnable

                                                                                            sometimes u get like me a mk player who stomp lane and is 20 3 score and then die once cause no wards me as pos 5 mirana buy him gem and then he get mad and delete items and feed , LOL

                                                                                            but next game u get less toxi fucks u pick mid win lane get kils there and there and gg enemie afk


                                                                                              i also think benao get low bhs players in team and game overall
                                                                                              but its not like its not winnable

                                                                                              yall need to stop arguing
                                                                                              this covers it up

                                                                                              basement :)

                                                                                                Hey Cookie, remember when I posted that 2014 post about hidden pool and you told me it could be outdated?


                                                                                                  If anything, this means Low bs peeps gets less priority in matchmaking. Hence longer queue times. I dono why everyone's Jumpingg the gun here?

                                                                                                  basement :)

                                                                                                    I recently had 3 abandons on my team in 6 games. 50% abandon rate. Hidden pool 10/10. Hidden pool 10/10. Hidden pool 10/10. Hidden pool 10/10. Hidden pool 10/10. Hidden pool 10/10. Hidden pool 10/10. Hidden pool 10/10. Hidden pool 10/10. Hidden pool 10/10. Hidden pool 10/10. Hidden pool 10/10. Hidden pool 10/10. Hidden pool 10/10. Hidden pool 10/10. Hidden pool 10/10. Hidden pool 10/10. Hidden pool 10/10. Hidden pool 10/10. Hidden pool 10/10. Hidden pool 10/10. Hidden pool 10/10. Hidden pool 10/10. Hidden pool 10/10. Hidden pool 10/10. Hidden pool 10/10. Hidden pool 10/10.


                                                                                                      Just wondering, how did you get to drop to the low bs in the first place? Mostly because being toxic then reported? Then you deserve to be there. If you want to get out play 1v5 dota or fix your behavior

                                                                                                      I think it's easy to understand. You reap what you sow

                                                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                        brokeback statistics usage

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!