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55 评论

    yaaaaay first?

    George Zangief


        Pizdetz Enthusiast

          Very informative, thanks.

          [CS]O`Yes Daddy

            3rd, suck my mushi!!


              2nd should be me

              Plot Twist

                I play these heroes all the times even if I am not drunk!


                  Great read, I passed out halfway through the first time.

                  Derp's missing tax files

                    I have found that most games with those off the sober end are quite enjoyable. Rarely are these games won, but getting picks that have recipes for disasters often are what makes the game end seemingly much quicker for our opponents (Pudge, Magnus, Sniper ulting the catapults, etc.). Even a drunk Earth Spirit can make a lost game a joyride.
                    Also, the Enchanted Mango currently has a 34.42% win rate. Together, we as a community, have the ability to fix this problem and end this horrific tragedy. Please help. It is our duty as gamers to give this item the respect it is due.

                    number 1 steely dan fan

                      Old spirit breaker bash is gone though :c rip true 17%


                        Strength heroes in general are drunkard-friendly, I know this because I only play while drunk or stoned lol.
                        You can usually soak up a bit more hits than the average bear when you've got a few strength boosting items and be okay. So long as you don't do anything too dumb like feeding at the 0:30 mark


                          I like turtles

                          Moe Lester

                            I recommend supports when playing stoned. While drunk go for pudge or something :D

                            Walker, Texas Ranger

                              tl;dr how to ruin a game for everyone else


                                finally some useful real life advice



                                  Mby i'm drunk...


                                    Drunk and wanna play support? Play Earth Spirit, hopefully you stun an enemy.

                                    Onverzadigbare honger

                                      Drunk Meepo best Meepo


                                        R U Fucking serious Dotabuff? I just lost my respect. How about you go play CS:GO drunk? P.S. this is excuse NR 1 to the noobs like you every time they fail there games. "Oh but, I'm or high\drunk and don't have life." Every one of you that play Dota after getting drunk obviously don't know why adoult people are drinking in the first place. Go to sleep and stop ruining our games you social failiers. Real man can take alcohol in messures and play ANY hero.


                                          Might as well write about the best griefing heroes

                                          ||GuNNeR|| [A]

                                            I remember i used to play tidehunter when i was drunk. Those insane ravages one can only dream of *.*


                                              Awesome guide, totally trying it tonight.



                                                Captain Rosh

                                                  This is probably the best guide I've ever read.

                                                  ʍolɟ ǝɥʇ ǝsɹǝʌǝɹ

                                                    You recommend that the god of grimorum be played drunk with alacrity and cold snap? I have lost my respect for your writings. Unthinkable!


                                                      nicely done, sarcasm also high in this one :p


                                                        Nice article ; )


                                                          Very helpful!


                                                            Drunk dark seer. Stand there and send ion shells into lanes.


                                                              ALSO TO NOTE

                                                              This applies 4 when you're tired as well, everybody stays up till sunrise playing dota at some point.


                                                                This is the kind of shitstain i'd expect to find on something like RPS.

                                                                [FaO] JoJoBird

                                                                  Some people have apparently missed the sarcastic tone of this article completely. :)


                                                                    Dang I had to read this!!!


                                                                      you forgot to mention the article is better read when drunk. great job as ever :)

                                                                      Ho Lee Syet

                                                                        Good article..i play these heroes even when sober so might as well drink to it hahaha!


                                                                          PA does not belong in Phase 3. The hero is trash without boatloads of farm and if you can't last hit, you are worthless.


                                                                            Best hero to play drunk is anti-mage. Just afk farm all game and blink out when you do something stupid, then get a heart and wreck everyone

                                                                            Merky Chumpis

                                                                              i love you and this is BEST FUCKING META, but knew most before, fun read anyways


                                                                                Everything is clear now...all my teammates was drunk... and me too... all that games that i loose


                                                                                  I played Meepo on acid once.


                                                                                    Great guide!
                                                                                    On with the drinks!


                                                                                      Fucking guide, just lost 4 matches drunk.


                                                                                        Был бы русский перевод ((

                                                                                        A. Snatcher

                                                                                          I played drunk exclusively up until last month.
                                                                                          Where was this guide then!?

                                                                                          [FaO] JoJoBird

                                                                                            @Philosobro King How many Meepos were there?

                                                                                            ain't nun major

                                                                                              @eggs Nice guide! Correction for the AncientApp paragraph: "isn't" should be 'aren't'.

                                                                                              Discord Garfield

                                                                                                A guide on heroes to play while drunk comes out on my 21st birthday. It's fate you guys.

                                                                                                LESBIAN WEREWOLF

                                                                                                  i might write up a list of heroes to play while blazed, stoned dota > drunk dota always, you let go of all your rage and if you ain't a lightweight it helps you focus on individual tasks like last-hittin, stacking on time or checkin map with great detail and heroes who generally rely on a singular role but to a more technical degree can be played; my personal fave's treant with the global never lettin' team die.


                                                                                                    It was a coconut? I thought it was a cask? No wonder you get stunned.


                                                                                                      Simple, you drunk, dont get bara (or any ganking yolo hero). Get tide, abadon, omini, warlock, centaur.