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    Bounty Hunters who build Battlefury deso and crits are the worst scum of the earth.

    move look

      I wish that these articles that contain some good info wouldn't go off on some tangent. Who cares if people build aghs on him, just focus on the play style you want to highlight.

      Also the pick rate goes up because people that don't know how to pull and hate buying wards can pick him in any game that they don't get a core position and do almost nothing and have a higher than 50% win rate.

      You say random things that aren't factually true, like that no numbers changes can make him irrelevant etc. just stick to the content and not your opinions on random shit.

      "Strategy first action second" I mean I agree but that claim is largely baseless and not relevant.

      King Crimson

        Out of all the comments, only one noticed that you didn't mention that Greaves PURGES dust. Which is huge in terms of playstyle and ability to be on the face of people slowing and shuriken-ing them.
        Graves is amazing to "rush", as in get it as fast as possible, because of this fact alone.
        I have almost 100 bh games ranging 4K MMR and utility aura "playmaker" bountyhunter is by far the one that has given me the better winrate.

        ForSale || CS.MONEY

          Im 2k and i play roaming ultility Bounty wth arcane meka and urn, Effective vs Passive mid.

          jerkmate 1v1

            This hero is the reason I got out of 2.8k, thanks OsFrog


              @prior How about a jungling Crystal Maiden? Might sound weird, but when I really want to mastermind a game, that's a go-to pick. I take Frostbite and use it on a big neutral or two to hit level two immediately. Then I take Crystal Nova, pop a clarity, pop a smoke, and wrap-around mid lane right before 2:00, coming from my opponent's jungle side (which avoids tower detection).

              With both spells, that's almost a guaranteed kill which almost guarantees a strong midlane for your team. From there, I max Arcane Aura, get my Tranquils and a Wind Lace, and roam like mad, using W on big creeps and stacking camps here and there so my XP doesn't suffer nearly as much as a roaming BH. After that, Blink is great for a roaming CM.

              I feel like this build really lets me set the pace of the game. Smoke op. ;p