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      Fir..Damn! Second!



        {Mid}dle of your Heart

          Axe is great against Slark. Blademail and Blinkdagger is all you need to solo him til he gets a skadi or something with a comparable HP-boost


            You should pick heroes like Necrophos/Omniknight, Slark doesn't like them. And don't forget about heroes with AoE abilities (Gyro, Tiny, Queen of Pain, Invoker, Bristleback). Any heroes who can cause dmg during slark's ulti are good. There a lot of noobs who wants to nerf slark, but if icefrog nerfs him, he will suck. i know it.


              doom is your answer


                No mentioning of void? Chrono is by far one of the best against him


                  Guys you forgot Le'Shrac! Edict + Ult rape slark in his ult with ease.




                      Where is riki? AoE silence, mana burn, ulti which dodge slark ability of locking single target in place.


                        Just won another game with Slark....once he gets farmed, good luck. Best bet is to hit him hard from 10 minutes on and keep him under control.


                          Picking wyvern Cold Embrace vs slark??? are u mad? ez essence shifts

                          Lina the Slayer

                            No mention of lina, this is joke yes?

                            Gone Fishin

                              Anti-mage and Void should absolutely be on this list.


                                timber and anitmage is work againts slark to


                                  How the fuck is Slark not overpowered this patch. Just look at Echo Sabre.


                                    Can Anti-mage blink while leashed? Also, Leshrac is my go-to hero against Slark now that I see just how much aoe dmg he dishes out to him. Just activate my ghost scepter and go to town.

                                    Pos 1

                                      The best slark counter is disruptor actually. Few people like playing thrall though so there's that.

                                      Stewart Stardust

                                        i disagree with axe being a counter. in my experience (this patch at least) slark is often able to survive call if the axe do not have backup in form of heavy nukes (lina, zeus, etc.), and after the call axe is quickly duying to the many magic nukes of slark, typically resulting in him dying. tl;dr, imo. it only works if axe is massivly ahead in terms of lvls and farm.


                                          Anti-mage does pretty well against slark at all stages of game, slark can't solo kill anti-mage so he can't pressure his farm. Anti-mage has all the potential to delay the game to the point when he has massive advantage against slark in both exp and gold. 4% Anti-Mage advantage in this match-up just proves my point.


                                            cant agree with bs being a counter
                                            yes he is strong vs a underfarmed slark but if slark jumps on you , your 80% of the times dead lategame
                                            the only way you can see him be a counter is that he can hold him while he is ultied by bs




                                                Mana burners (am pl ) and silences do well . Slark is hero who relies completely on his spells to be evasive . When ganking him wait out dark pact before jumping on him with disables .


                                                  Faceless Void? Elder Titan?

                                                  UNCLE KUSH

                                                    69th LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUULLLLLLZZZZ


                                                      I'm sorry, Is this a joke?! How is Crystal Maiden or Clinkz not on this list?!

                                                      Nero Scarlet

                                                        The fact that an article on how to counter slark exists proves that he deserves to be nerfed.


                                                          Le balanced fish

                                                          moisty ;)

                                                            You forgot to mention his hardest counter. Spirit Breaker. Vision, Global range, chase, lock down. You can do it all game and when timed right he cant dodge your ulti either.


                                                              The lack of mana burn heroes, like Anti-Mage, or natural diffusal carriers, such as Phantom Lancer, Spectre, and Juggernaut, is really questionable. Slark has very little Int gain, so he as a poor mana pool. Anything that can help him go through mana faster is very good against him.


                                                                Spirit Breaker!! Urn of shadows early on makes sure slark continues to take damage when he tries to leave the fight. Late game, heaven's halberd makes slark a sitting duck. To add insult to injury, SB with a silver edge disables Slark's passive. Don't underestimate a spirit breaker counter pick.


                                                                  All of you have no clue what you're talking about, and OP this is not how you deal with slark.


                                                                    all this hate against slark ? come on.


                                                                      no mention of le shadow demon =d ? soul catcher does wonders against slark and demonic purge is great all stages of the game. Disruption allows you to lock him down or buy time for teammates / bait him into a poor fight.

                                                                      Chance Boru

                                                                        just feeded using this hero FeelsBadMan


                                                                          pick blood -> go jungle -> farm aghs blade mail -> EZ?


                                                                            I would add timbersaw to this. Generally timbersaw has enough pure/magical burst to kill a slark in lane or in the later stages of the game, while being relatively tanky himself.


                                                                              Am, Void, Weaver and Morph does well against a slark in the late game and these heroes are hard for slark to solo kill them in the early stages of the game too, so they can safely farm and avoid slark. While picking supports depends on the co-ordination of the team, high burst damage heroes are preferable rather than disablers, cuz slark can just dark pact out of it. Slark is a hero killer but not a reliable one comes late game. Everything usually depends on the team pick. Timbersaw can't do much to a farmed slark. Doom is the best counter with scorched earth and infernal blade even at level 3 doom can destroy slark in the early game. Later stages, his doom completely shuts down slark rendering him almost useless in a teamfight unless there is a healer in slark's team. QoP is also good against slark and a tinker with a sheepstick and an e-blade and dagon is a nightmare. If there is slark,pick a morph and a tinker, easy kiting, or a void with lion and lina, Doom and spec, AA and wyvern. Man Slark is not overpowered... you just have to make sure that slark doesnt get free pick-offs on the supports.


                                                                                What about Luna as a carry counter? Sure she can't beat him 1 v 1, but with someone there to stun him I think she can do it. She has extra night vision for the team, making him easier to kill at night, and she is super fast and can keep up with him. Anyone have any other thoughts on this?


                                                                                  wow, surprised, no riki is mentioned.

                                                                                  i have 80% winrate against slark in ranked 5.5k


                                                                                    im out! :D im out of this,waste of time,nonsense.

                                                                                    Professor Dog

                                                                                      Basically all the comments are people saying that their most picked hero is the best counter... so am i meant to say cm and her near 0 lockdown and her capability to die are good counters?


                                                                                        while the general Strength buff have made him slightly tankier.


                                                                                          Can darkpatch dispel doom if it casted before doomed??


                                                                                            Rofl. A bit useless article since most of the players know how to deal with Slark. Also as you mentioned at least twice he is not op. Counter pick is pretty much needed against any carry/hero.


                                                                                              To Jegan. Answer is no. It will dispel stuns but not the doom itself.


                                                                                                The most common counter pick is AM. Also you can blink out while the hero is pounced. Sry but bad article this time.

                                                                                                sin blyadi

                                                                                                  U forgot enigma and riki as supports. As carry am and weaver do well against slark


                                                                                                    Thank god bloodseeker was on this list, I'm not the only one who wrecks against slark with him


                                                                                                      Void is one of the best answers, for he can effectively lock down and prevent slark to re-cast dark pack and pounce. With Diffusal Blade + Manta Meta, Void will come online as a core offlaner and a counter to slark. At the same time, void can interact well with many skills combo of the heroes in the recent meta too.