In our blog posts we often emphasize the importance of a coherent draft. Good lineup is a crucial factor in winning the game, yet unfortunately we rarely get a say in what other players in our team are picking, unless Captain’s mode is being played. In AP it usually leads to both teams having weird compositions which have very unclear win conditions.
Sometimes, either by accident or due to better coordination in the drafting stage, one team will have a lineup which will actually resemble something coherent. It might not necessarily be a hard counter to the draft of an opposing team, but rather have a feasible strategic idea. This idea can be centered around different timings and different play styles, be it strong split-push or heavy deathball, but the end result is simple—the team with an idea will have a strong advantage.
Being a part of such team feels extremely good. Unless the lineup is horribly misplayed it will get to its timings and strong power level spike and will eventually stomp the opposition. Everything will seem ridiculously easy and enemies will be killed, towers destroyed and barracks taken. The only problem—you are a part of the other team.
Heavy push lineups are usually centered around strong pushing heroes and/or summons and their aim is to get objectives quickly and transition into mid-game with a strong Net Worth advantage. Then, it either slows down, takes complete control of the map and gets 70%+ of the map’s resources, or attempts to get an early highground breach and a set of barracks.
Strong pushing strategies have not been a part of the professional meta-game for a while now—ever since the introduction of the “comeback gold” mechanics it has fallen out of favor, because it can be easily punished and can be too risky. Moreover, extra Glyphs granted when T1 towers are taken makes these lineups lose a considerable amount of tempo. In a public matchmaking setup it can still work, however.
Early push lineups usually come online extremely fast, but fall off equally as fast in terms of levels, since players are usually grouped up as 5 or 4, sharing the experience points. Not feeding the enemy team extra experience is of an utmost importance.
Stalling their push with waveclear abilities, if your team has any, is a good idea, but take note on whether the enemy team has an initiation hero with a Blink Dagger, since they will gladly take a freebie of a solo defender. It is especially ill-advised when the enemy team has Urn of Shadows, since all the damage dealt by the defender(s) will be quickly healed up with the charges gifted to the Urn.
When dealing with a heavy push strategy it is necessary to understand the power level of the enemy team. It will usually have an early Mekansm and some other forms of sustain, and this should be taken into account, since a 250 burst AoE heal is impressively strong in the earlier stages and can easily turn around a fight.
In most cases, after the initial couple of towers taken from your team, it is going to be borderline suicidal to try and teamfight the enemy—their heroes will have a higher Net Worth, hence more tools at their disposal.
The best course of action is usually splitting the team effectively where the enemy is unlikely to be to get an XP advantage. Only get back to defend more strategically important objectives and highground. It is also an extremely good idea to get some trades in the process. Taking T1 and losing T2 might not be a good trade on paper, but more often than not it will be the best one your team can get.
Towers, while granting the same bounty in each Tier, are not made equal. The Top lane towers have a comparatively lower value for both Radiant and Dire, since they are not Teleport points for Roshan contesting. For Radiant, they also don’t defend/grant map control over meaningful resources—ancients on Radiant can be accessed from the Mid towers, while Secret Shop can be accessed with a smart use of a courier.
Mid and Bot towers for Radiant have a significantly higher value. They give access to the jungle and a TP point for Roshan. They also give a little bit of necessary vision and protection in the area and it might be a good idea to try and defend T2’s on these lanes.
Dire is in a somewhat similar position, but the strategic value of their tower in Mid and Bot lanes are slightly lower, since Roshan is on their side and the Bot lane towers, once again, do not have a whole lot of resources around them. Bot T2 is sometimes not worth desperation defence if the Mid one is still standing.
Come mid-game, if played correctly, your team will probably have a 1-2 major item deficit, but should be ahead in XP. It is usually now when your team should strike back. Ideally, you should be fighting at the point where your core heroes have their level 2 ultimates, while the enemy team doesn’t.
With the extra damage/utility of level 2 ultimates and some smart positioning in choke-points around towers, it is possible to focus down a target and potentially snowball in a fight. Mekansm carriers are usually the prime targets for initiation, however, if the enemy Mek carrier is a tanky semi-core (e.g. Viper) it is best to try and avoid him.
At this point outright winning a fight is not the highest priority. Equal trades are good enough, since they will ensure your team will be economically victorious. Do not engage in risky chases and if you do, be mindful of potential turn-around. Instead, repel the attack and regroup/heal and wait for your opponent’s next move.
If they decide to keep on putting pressure, once again, try and repel their attack, but have your and their big cooldowns in mind. If your big ultimates are on a cooldown and theirs are not, split and farm, even if it means sacrificing a tower (T3s and Barracks are generally an exception to this rule). Do not try risky maneuvers—at this point mistakes are going to be extremely costly.
After one or several unsuccessful push attempts most push lineups will try to split and farm, getting slightly more resources with the map control advantage they have probably accumulated. Alternatively, they will try and get Roshan for their next push. In either case, if you do not see the enemy applying pressure, it is best to smoke and try to find a pick-off. Not only will it stall the push, but will also net a very sizeable bounty.
Your smoke-gank path should have Roshan in it and, once again, with big ultimate cooldowns in mind, it might or might not be a good idea to take a fight. Some annoying poking at the Roshan can also help with stalling the enemy team and will potentially discourage them from taking it or buy your team enough time for ultimates to get back online. Do not attempt risky maneuvers and/or chase the enemy.
At some point, after several successful push repels and good trades, your team should finally equalise on Net Worth, while potentially retaining the XP advantage. Your cores should finally be able to go toe-to-toe with the enemy cores and your supports might have one or two extra utility tricks up their sleeve.
Methodically push out the lanes to prevent potential game-winning split-push, slowly and carefully take out the towers and take favorable teamfights. Once you are more or less equal in terms of map control/towers taken, it will be possible to push for victory.
Now no one can call 1st!
Seems to me that push-heavy lineups aren't much of an issue at all if your core knows how to farm? Once he gets a core item or two, plus a BKB, it is easy to turn the fight. But then again, the first step to winning a game is your draft.
ez 2nd - first ever actually
is it some kind of achievement in your life to comment 'first' or 'second' or whatever on every post? really, nice spam.
Not bad article for newbies.
Nice article
Good read and summarizes what I'm usually yelling at my team when they try to take a fight after losing 3 in a row to a push team.
This is why Invoker is one of the best cores in this meta. Teamfight nukes, decent cooldowns, nice push potential and he benefits a lot from XP advantage.
just pick es
Good for teams to not lose VS Alliance/Liquid
This is how I summarize the matter:
If you are being pushed, you have the choice of ignoring the push (i.e., split pushing, farming, roshing) or stopping the push. If you succeed in stopping the push, you have the options of 1) counter-pushing, 2) roshing, 3) pushing out lanes for map control and then smoke ganking.
Finally someone couldn't call 1st. Thank you Wazsnu.
Great article. I like split pushing better.
Beeing Part of an Team with an idea behind the picks feels Same as 5 RANDOM heros tbh.
on pub matchs this hero is very easy of stoped, is a idea to play him, for newbies of course
ez way to deal with pushers: earthshaker pick or mijolner. smarter way: pick spectre and play conservatively until minute 40
or pick XP dependant but not so gold dependant hero
Kudos Kawaiisocks for this really awesome knowledge-bomb :)
i got heartbroken when i found out Gandalf actor was gay
+rep. nice guide
@Newbie.How , example? :3
Can I post the flow-chart to reddit for ez karma(with source & credits of course)?
I believe the pushing strategy to be extremely effective to raise mmr. In a typical game, the enemy will have 3 to 4 cores who want to farm and get their items before they start anything. Pushing early on (preferably without allied carry so he can farm and get exp, must be careful not to be ganked while other allies are pushing) will force enemies to defend. If they don't defend, they lose that much map control and farm potential. Pushing them further in and with offensive warding, they will then realize picking 4 farm dependent heroes was a mistake. Not sure if they ever learn though.
@i>3u, sure)
+rep good article
When will it be 6.88 Pub Tier List? =3 ññ
Dumb article, just stop writing
@Quinkerros, well his avatar is an example, but other good examples are phoenix, bounty hunter, dark seer, ancient apparition, lich, and invoker
Every hero benefits with gold but those heroes really like a lot of levels
Best article I've seen in months. Nice job.
this article is helpful to people facing huge push, but what if my team is great for pushing and has no idea how to? but seriosuly this article is awesome, thank you.
This community is losing ethics, i hope there is an arcana reward for being the first to comment.
Stupid scheme. Only chinese can read it.
@ANIMAL I'm guessing you're about 700-1k MMR?
Loved the article. I've been learning how to improve solo skills for quite some time and hoping to improve on teamplay tactics. This surely helps!
This is a great article for pretty much all game scenarios, wish everyone I played with would read.
@ANIMAL yep, because getting wiped in the early stages of the game just to defend a t1 is SOOOO WORTH IT