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    Congratulations Wings !


      2nd, Wooh asian dota

      Gyatt Hunter

        3rd YOLO WINGS MAH MAN!

        Bambang Spock



            congrats wings,,

            congrats on placing 2nd even though u did a last resort team lock..wp guys

            best TI ever !!!!!


              WINGS GAMING ALL THE WAY. Asian dota dominance


                I really wished that DC wins TI6, but very well played Wings (the team i never thought could make it to finals) R.I.P OG and old era of Dota Gaming, Welcome to the new teams


                  THE WINGS GAMING !!
                  they are the meta right now :)


                    when people say asia, eastern, it gives an impression that the whole asia has been winning the TIs but actually it's only china


                      China doto best doto.. blink, innocence. U are MVP. gratz sabun colek 😊


                        Well played, Wings, well played.

                        OEMAR BAKRIE

                          eastern doto > western doto


                            Why all the Mirana/Timber??? They blew it. That's called choking in any other sport.

                            I Report Feeders and Non-...

                              level: Asian

                              MEXICAN JESUS

                                DC kept picking Mirana even though it wasn't working for them. They ended up losing solely on that reason.


                                  "Shadow demon is literally replaced by Eul's Scepter." Pfft, he was one of the top 5 both picked and banned. His pick rate has jumped almost 5%. That has got to say something.


                                    Congratz Wings, also DC dont be sad cause you are prove it more than other team

                                    The Half-Blood Prince

                                      Good job Wings!

                                      just me

                                        Wings players have large hero-pool, any of their opponents can't do decent bans. I think thats their key of success.


                                          DC kept picking Moo Timbersaw thats why they lost


                                            I hope Icefrog realizes that he has made a very stable patch. The most stable since 6.74 . Only minimal tweaks should be made henceforth

                                            CHAIRMAN PHAT PHUC谓人民服务

                                              cn doto best doto


                                                w3322 indeed, so bold the last game

                                                Ace of Diamond

                                                  Weeeeeeewwww, zzzzzzz