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Nervous Bakedown

    Why isn't ta sick in this meta? She is such a deathballer especially with the way neutrals are set up now. I know I'm not a good dota player, but Im pretty good at understanding the game I'm just very bad at seeing the big picture while also playing. Anyway I've been playing and focusing on ta alot lately and she seems like a tough but strong hero in the mid lane who gets very well scaling items that press advantage farther. She does rely on a good lanning phase though I guess.


      Remember that heroes in Dota are not balanced at all
      (What i mean is individual survivability and fighting potential)
      Tho rat dota is the only way to emphasize some heroes (natures prophet)
      But since shrine has been introduced enemy can counter your pushing effectively
      Conclusion: natures prophet and othet split pushing dependant heroes are now rubbish )

      dei carry



          valve ruiend dota for good this time



            Ruski please suka bleat


              52th wooooooooo hoooooo