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    Qualifying points, now there's an (kind of) objective way to measure which teams really deserve invitations. Let's hope it works out.


      I dont agree

      Isaías Cancino

        There could be a limit to how many minors a team can play every bimester/trimester. That way not every minor will have the same invited teams and there wouldn't be so much pressure on non-invited teams to participate on every single qualifier.


          It is dumb the chinese tournament is rigging it when there are other much better teams that should get the spot. And Liquid should have to play for some tournaments not just get invited when they proably arent even good anymore


            This invite system does need transparency, but it's unfair to say PW is rigging it . I mean Newbee and lfy placed 2nd and 3nd in TI7,which team do you expect them to invite(I'm pretty sure they invited liquid but TL refused because of schedule collision) they could have invited LGD(placed 4th in TI)instead of secret and say it's according to TI placement.



              And Dreamhack has 4 places for EU and CIS. So what?

              I, in Europe, don't care for Chinese and want to see more of 'my' stacks competing. And the same goes for Chinese, that's obvious.

              It's dumb that the World Cup's host plays in his country, so is the fact that Real Madrid gets to play at Santiago Bernabeu, unfair advantage! U agree?

              Edit: wording

              BENNY HARVEY R.I.P.

                @Isaías Cancino

                THIS. Seems like the most sane solution suggested :D


                  why not just follow a league system. something similar to football, etc...

                  top 16 teams will qualify for the "champions league". This is through 1 year of battles..

                  of course there will be relegations and promotions.


                    Wtf does last paragraph even mean!Worst conclusion I have ever read!BTW nice post..


                      Skim's analysis of the 17/18 Pro Circuit is concise and detailed. The regional qualifier requirements have demonstrated unique drafts and changes in the meta. Traditional powerhouse teams are kept from complacency as they face strong competition from their regions. Securing invites and winning closed qualifiers is essential for teams at the moment as it will give them a strong edge at the start of the season.


                        Now this is feels like Tennis ATP and Opens


                          Currently, it's kinda like Tennis or MotoGP system, but need a better scheduling system.
                          Would be interesting too, if they apply something like Regional League system. Like how Champions League qualify team based on their Regional League ranking. We've got 4 Regions (EU, AM, CN, and SEA) with 2 Sub-regions (CIS and SA). Each team in every region fare against each other. And also the "League Cup" in football world, would be ESL One, or Dreamhack in esports context. That way, we could see which team is truly stable along the year. The current system isn't so bad too, as we haven't seen anything yet. But I do hope Valve could set a standard competitive system, a consistent one (like how European Champions League maintain their system for 10+ years.

                          Brünk Hüll

                            There are a host of problems with the current system, two of which stick out most in my mind.

                            1. Points distribution is extremely stingy. Considering we have been seeing qualifiers for around a week with mostly bo3 and even bo5 'grand finals' just to QUALIFY, it feels like so much work that could still net you 0 points despite being 5th out of like 60 teams if you count qualifiers. I truly think teams will drop out of the majority of tournaments come January, with only the real contenders even trying anymore. Spread those points out a little more and you might see teams fight for spots a little more evenly.

                            2. The only way you can make the invites fair is to have 'carry over' rules in place. For instance, if SL-iLeague runs three tournaments each year, the first one has no direct invites. Whoever wins, and perhaps 2nd and 3rd place, gets an invite to the next tournament held by SL-iLeague. Valve would have to require organizations to hold multiple tournaments during the season for this to work, but that further solidifies the position of the league. As it stands, a little reduction in number of tournaments would be helpful anyway.


                              "It is dumb the chinese tournament is rigging it when there are other much better teams that should get the spot."

                              LOL NB and LFY got top 3 in Ti7, and CN teams got 4 of the top6, how is PW minor more 'rigged' comparing to DH major? They have 4 EU/CIS spots while only 2 EU/CIS teams made to top6 in Ti7.


                                Skim is so biased that he or she could not see things straight. The one tournament which is being rigged is DreamLeague that only gave CN region a total of one slot. It is unfair that CN region usually gets no more than one fourth of the slots when more than half of the competitive teams are Chinese teams.