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    playinginursockdrawer mm soc

        nice one


          0.02%? ..... so you’re saying there’s a chance....


            I’d be interested in seeing the number of times the same 15 heroes were played in a series. Not same game but similar games. Bucharest appears to have a very closed meta. I mean Gyro, Sand King, TB, DP in every game isn’t exactly exciting.

            < blanket >

              Amazing blog


                0.02%? that's way higher than my chances of bashing when playing sb


                  @Nemesis i guess it got to do with tournament format many teams wouldn't risk at all as it's always bo1

                  ML is the Future XD

                    no your wrong... PubG is laifu!

                    Sleight of My Fist In You...

                      i dont understand the point of this article tbh


                        @Mr Poopybutthole that’s a good point. But you would think that some of these teams that are underdogs would have tried to cheese one out. I guess I’m kind of surprised how little change there was between Katowice and Bucharest even after patch.

                        Spooky Lad

                          You didn't say how the games that had the exact same drafts were different! i.e. did they pan out in the exact same way??


                            Yes. Every single time, the team that lost and went for the same pick would lose again.

                            Seroj Unchained

                              Did they lose in the same way though? Did the teams make the same moves at close enough minute marks? Were the differences in xp and networth close to equal? Did the laning stage go the same way, and evolve into the same midgame? Did these games have the same tempo? Because, if you simplify, then you can say 50% of the games go the same way, and 50% the other, either Dire or the Radiant destroy the enemy Ancient :D


                                Valve pls fix yr servers!!! Just tried to play ranked in SEA and within 10mins, everyone dc because of poor network. Its early in the morning there should not be much traffic. My next closest server is India that does not have ranked. (When u look at the server status its 5 ping.) Shame on u.

                                dragazo_ (Clausolas)

                                  Valve pls fix yr servers!!! Just tried to play ranked in SEA and within 10mins, everyone dc because of poor network. Its early in the morning there should not be much traffic. My next closest server is India that does not have ranked. (When u look at the server status its 5 ping.) Shame on u.

                                  -Dreadnought325 on

                                  Brünk Hüll


                                    I'm assuming there are far more instances of double matches in pub scene, correct? More to the point, does it happen with the same .02% frequency in pubs? I'm guessing it's closer to .2 or even half a percent.

                                    I am confused when you say at least one team would play the same lineup. If one team played the same five, the other team would have to play the other five.


                                      @Brock Hall: there was an amateur team. Let's call it Team A. And Team A picked a certain lineup of five heroes against Team B. They won. Later in the tournament they were playing Team C and Team A picked the same exact heroes, while Team C picked the same lineup Team B did. )

                                      When it comes to pubs, it is hard to make speculations. On one hand in pubs 4- or even 5-core liuneups are more possible and certain hero combinations that would be counter-intuitive in the pro-scene would actually work or at least get picked. So the diversity of picks is even higher. On the other, some pub players aren't too bothered picking strategically and have a pool of comfort heroes, which generally tend to consist of 5 or so easy-to-execute heroes and are frequently the same for a huge subset of players. On top of it, 3k+ meta is very responsive to the pro-scene, so there are times when all you get is people playing the most meta heroes from the latest tournament. So the short answer is we don't really know, can't make speculations and can't really test the claim, since there are billions of matches)


                                        Сбалансированная игра? Наличие меты уже говорит о том что кто-то сильнее другого, и речи о балансе вобще не может идти.

                                        Любая моба игра это постоянное взаимодействие персонажей разных мастей, по принципу камень-ножницы-бумага, и говорить о балансе когда влетает селедь или троль и не выпускает из стана , смешно разве нет , где тут баланс когда ты нечего не можешь сделать ?


                                          I love calling dota a beautiful game, if only the community was anywhere near as good XD


                                            Наверное, под словосочетанием " все игры разные", подразумевалось , что нет таких игр,которые бы были похожи не только по драфту,но и по самим действиям в игре.

                                            Brünk Hüll


                                              Thanks for the explanation. Shame that we can't get more info for the pub matches but I very much get why.

                                              Definitely like the concept of this kind of article. I'd love to see more of these in-depth researches that go beyond the winrate articles (although those are very interesting as well.)


                                                a revelation