天赋树 | ||
2 Toss Charges | 25 | -8s Avalanche Cooldown |
Toss Requires No Target | 20 | +60 Tree Grab Base Damage |
+70 Avalanche Damage | 15 | -8% Grow Attack Speed Reduction |
+8 Strength | 10 | +200 Avalanche Cast Range |
Enemies that attack Tiny receive a stacking debuff that lowers their attack damage with each stack.
负面状态持续时间: 5
最大叠加层数: 10
每次叠加降低攻击力: 2% / 3% / 4% / 5%
技能: 点目标
伤害类型: Magical
无视减益免疫: 不行
能否驱散: Yes Strong
Bombards an area with rocks, continously doing small intervals of damage and stun to enemy units.
作用范围: 325 / 340 / 355 / 370
山崩持续时间: 1.5
山崩伤害: 100 / 200 / 300 / 400
技能: 单位目标
伤害类型: Magical
Grabs the nearest unit in a 300 radius around Tiny, ally or enemy, and launches it at the target unit or rune to deal damage where they land.
作用范围: 275
伤害: 90 / 180 / 270 / 360
技能: 单位目标
影响: 树
伤害类型: Physical
无视减益免疫: 是
能否驱散: No
Grabs a tree to whack enemies on the head for a limited number of attacks. Grants bonus attack range. Attacks deal more damage and fully splash on units along the way. The tree can be thrown, to deal your attack to a unit at a distance.
攻击次数: 5
额外基础攻击力: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40
对建筑额外伤害: 30% / 40% / 50% / 60%
攻击距离: 350
溅射伤害: 55% / 70% / 85% / 100%
技能: 持续施法
伤害类型: Physical
无视减益免疫: 是
CHANNELED - Tiny channels to throw random trees within range towards the targeted area. Deals Tiny's attack damage to enemies in that area with each tree thrown.
目标作用范围: 400
树木抓取范围: 700
连掷间隔: 0.5
技能: 被动
伤害类型: Physical
Tiny gains craggy mass, increasing his attack damage, movement speed and armor, and toss power while slowing his attack speed.
护甲加成: 5 / 10 / 15
攻击力提升: 60 / 120 / 180
攻击速度降低: 30%
投掷额外伤害: 50 / 175 / 300
移动速度加成: 10 / 20 / 30
技能: 点目标
影响: 敌方单位
伤害类型: Physical
无视减益免疫: 不行
Throws the tree at the target unit, proccing your attack on it and splashing damage around the target.
施法距离: 1200
溅射范围: 275
移动速度减缓: 25%
减速持续时间: 2.5
天赋树 | ||
2 Toss Charges | 25 | -8s Avalanche Cooldown |
Toss Requires No Target | 20 | +60 Tree Grab Base Damage |
+70 Avalanche Damage | 15 | -8% Grow Attack Speed Reduction |
+8 Strength | 10 | +200 Avalanche Cast Range |
![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
30 +4.0 | 0 +0.0 | 17 +2.2 |
移动速度 | 275 |
视野范围 | 1800/800 |
护甲 | 0.0 |
基本攻击速度 | 1.7 |
攻击力 | 61 - 67 |
攻击点 | 0.4 |