Safe to leave means you won't get an abandon.
Safe to leave and No stats will be recorded means you won't get a loss.
If it says no stats will be recorded then it will not count as a loss, otherwise yes.
yeah it's dumb...
guy d/c'd during the hero pick phase... never came back... said it was early abandonment no stats would be recorded okay to leave yet it shows up as a loss =P
lol yeah doesn't make sense... and the game after where the guy rage quits cause we're up 2-0 at the 3 min mark and leaves... that game doesn't count...
its pretty stupid when your win streak is ruined by a game that wasnt even played because there was dc and everyone in the game left after safe to leave except one guy on their team. :/
Dota should explain the meaning of 'Safe to leave'. I think DOTABUFF works better than Dota 2 gaming system... :p
is it some1 left before 5 or 10 min , and then u can leave without counting the win/lose? anyone can verify tis ?
dota gods decide whether u get a win/loose.if you fight with your heart you may end up getting both a win and stats
Games that are left with show as a loss in you game record unless you won it.
It won't effect your stats eg. W/L Ratio.
It may effect your hero skill if you fed cause you didn't want to leave the game.
Dotabuff is another issue entirely and may record this as a win/loss but who cares.
That's what happened to me a couple of games ago. Someone disconnected, I was told it was okay to leave, so I did - not least because I'd accidentally entered single draft and got 3 characters I had no idea about. Anyway, it seems kind of screwed for "okay" to mean "not okay".