General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR and YOU

MMR and YOU in General Discussion

    Hey guys,

    Lately I've been researching how mmr works, where I currently stand and etcetera..

    It seems that dota_account_game was patched, which showed your current MMR.

    I found out that it makes a difference what you choose when you first time enter D2 from "beginner,normal,pro,expert"... I thought it was just UI based like in WOW, when choosing beginner you would get like tutorials and in-game tips like D1 has. It actually puts you into the group that chosen the same setting.

    Anyways, the last method (watch>filter) showed that I am in Very High bracket... which I don't understand. I mean I've been playing dota since aegis was purchasable and I believe I'm a good player, but the people I get grouped up with 80% of time are pure retards. I always thought that I played in mid/low-range bracket because of this.

    What is going on? Is valve going to address this issues before the beta ends?

    P.S. My stats aren't that great, how come did I get to high bracket?


      everyones bad but you? yeah ok


        I am saying that I didn't expect the high bracket where pro's play to be full of noobs. And I hope brackets are more balanced when the game is out of beta.


          Perhaps high level players group with their low level friends to play with.
          Perhaps a player that typically plays one hero/role is trying out others.
          Perhaps some noobs mark themselves as expert, and it takes a few games to wash them out to the proper level.
          Perhaps you're overly judgmental regarding your teammates.

          Your stats are probably not very important with regard to MMR, nor is your win% -- I suspect it's based very heavily on who you beat and who you lose to. (Otherwise, it'd hose every hard support and reward every moderately successful carry).

          As for win%, MMR should keep everybody ~50%, except for the exceptionally good/bad. With the tails of the distribution, it'd be difficult to find reasonable opponents.


            If you feel you play with utterly useless noobs regardless of in which bracket you are, you should not wonder what that says about matchmaking, but what that says about you.
            Those noobs would probably completely rape anyone in normal tier. But there's always going to be a skill difference, and you are probably always going to keep on viewing those less skilled as you as complete noobs.


              "I am saying that I didn't expect the high bracket where pro's play to be full of noobs. And I hope brackets are more balanced when the game is out of beta"

              The bracket is not relevant to MM... Not everyone on very high has the same chance of getting matched with each other.

              Think of MM as a distribution with 100 levels, most pros are at the top 1%, but we know about 5% of the games are rated as very high, so a player in the 5th and 4th percentile are more likely to get matched with others "from a lower bracket".


                i think, just a thinking, that even if u r in very high mmr, u wont be rly playing with or against gd players until u play much much much more games, if u play like 1000+ games u might play versus rly gd players, with a chance to play against a verified player too !!


                  It's not about the amount of games you've played, it's mostly about your MMR. If you've been doing well, you'll get better players fast... If you still think you only get "shitty players" after a hundred games, then well, I have some bad news for you.....


                    I'm sorry, how did you see your rating? I'm intrigued to know mine...


                      i got a 10 win streak that day, after it, i played versus players above my limits :/
                      and that day was shitty as hell !!


                        when we win above 5 straight wins believe me something bad will happend... trust me !


                          but i was not mad, i was happy that im playing with better players