General Discussion

General DiscussionShouldn't KDA ratio be calculated for each match?

Shouldn't KDA ratio be calculated for each match? in General Discussion

    Right now, the Game Impact tab calculates the KDA for each hero by adding up total kills/assists, and dividing it by the total deaths. But shouldn't the KDA be calculated for each match first, adding the KDAs up, and dividing by the total number of games?

    An example is my Phantom Lancer with only 2 games played:
    13/1/13 and 14/8/19

    Current formula: ( (13+14) + (13+19) ) / 9 = 6.56

    What I think it should be: ( (13+13)/1 + (14+19)/8 ) / 2 = 15.06

    Since each match is independent of another, it doesn't make sense to lump all kill/death/assist together and calculate KDA that way.