It's a website you put votes on. So I simply made "dota2 vs lol" vote poll. You can do same for heroes and such. Nobody is asking for your steam passwords or whatever else.
Reason community ... let me explain you something ... your vote is like Come on guys Check this out i make a Vote poll about Who is Better singer Michael jackson or Justin Bieber check it out plz!!!!..
You got it? there is nothing to compare Lol is an invention from Dota only maded for noobs who can handle the last hit and team play.
Lets play Karthus 6 Archangel staff GG WP ehauehuaehu
Guy makes poll of DotA2 vs LoL on phishing site that requires you to log in.
"you and other retards who act like this are the reason community is in a deep shit."
Oh the irony.
So Drunken DotA Master, you are saying that every website that has registration and login is a phishing site? Bad troll attempt.
Check out this voting poll: