General Discussion

General DiscussionGuide to 100% Win Rate!

Guide to 100% Win Rate! in General Discussion
European Fox

    1) Start a smurf account
    2) Start a game
    3) If game is a sure win, turn match history sharing ON
    4) If game is a sure loss, turn match history sharing OFF

    Enjoy your 100% Win Rate (displayed as 100% only on DotaBuff)

    m o n o

      1) Does not work

      Jason 17 hours ago
      "I just deployed a fix. If a player sets their setting to private, the game will not be counted until they set it to public again. Ultimately, this allows them to "hide" losses only until they decide they want to start showing statistics again - at which point all of those losses will appear."

      packet canceled

        nice guide 50% brah~


          1) dont lose games




              bronze scumbags


                yeah bronce shits