General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for a group to play with [SEA server]

Looking for a group to play with [SEA server] in General Discussion
Ming (Zufälliger König)

    you need not be a super pro, just know what you're doing and what role you're good at. Not a wannabe carry coz you pick drow (i have lots of teammates like that in pubs and they usually feed)

    prefer skill rating average and slightly close to high. add me up :)
    currently waiting to play

    p;s when u add me , tell me you're from dotabuff.
    im level 36 in game and expect quite good opponents. (funny valve didnt give good teammates)

    dookie daddy

      Hi Ming,

      I don't play SEA but I do have some very good friends that play over there which I am happy to introduce you to.

      I will setup a party with you and them, then drop out so you can get to know each other better. The couple I have in mind are below.....

      My steam account is "Kromespawn"

      Ming (Zufälliger König)

        hmm ok. will add u up

        Ming (Zufälliger König)

          bump, is anyone else interested? 2 more!


            wow i que solo sea all the time, because i'm a rage player :3


              add me up

              Ming (Zufälliger König)

                whats your steam id bro


                  I added you.

                  Ming (Zufälliger König)

                    received. but steam has some prob now, i have difficulty adding you lol


                      I can play with you, but I'm not very active now. Will only play 5 man stack, can play all roles but i specialize in the suicide role. 5th support not a problem, I'm not a very good carry though. I'm decent in mid as well. Aggressive/High Risk-High reward playstyle. High~Very High Bracket.

                      A. Tokuchi OneOuts

                        i'm not really super pro. but you can add me up, i guess. i play support & initiator most of the time


                          steamid : kinerx

                          Eyeshield 21

                            can i join too?? Full time supporter.. WhySoHardToWin? is my id...

                            Dirty Dan

                              Well feel free to add me too, I am sick of all the bad teammates i always get.


                                You can add me if you wish. I don't mind playing any role, and I always try to pick according to the requirements of the team. steamid: ggrulez


                                  lol mingy


                                    hard carry.........jst like shad0w......


                                      You can add me if you want. I play support, solo mid, and long lane. Same steam ID. I don't play that much though, since I solo queue most of the time and I hate how my teammates usually suck while my opponents are stacked teams.


                                        You can add me if still looking for someone. I plays carry, support, offlane.




                                            add me i playing carry