General Discussion

General DiscussionGOAL: 60% WIN RATE (SEA players only)

GOAL: 60% WIN RATE (SEA players only) in General Discussion

    you know, eventually you'll end up in the same skill bracket as your first account and probably go on a 7 game losing streak again. The only reason your winning so much right now is because your facing newcomers to the game lol.


      then i'll be waiting for that :)


        i played solo last night and was very afraid but ended up good.

        i'm online right now, let's play!


          add me if u interested with me. winning rate 96%.... 24 wins and 1 loss.. and this is my dotabuff link


            lol, seriously ? :D


              what bro?

              Training in Progress

                Zzzzz add me, me tryhard very good good

                Ming (Zufälliger König)

                  lol at the despo smurfs who tries really hard to get into the higher brackets

                  edit : saw swordie's latest drow game. know what, he's playing with a bunch of retards. warlock that doesnt have 3rd added when laning with a riki. LOL

                  and your typical no silence drow.
                  oh and a roaming riki too

                  conclusion : noobs

                  Training in Progress

                    Lmao, why you so jealous? Not every game you play is = good opponent.

                    I guess you are really a mad hater, i really wonder how you played 900 games and still is bad...

                    Oh, my typical no silence drow. Maybe you didnt realise that there's no point adding silence against warlock and riki at early level and i probably dont have to explain more because your bad

                    Ming (Zufälliger König)

                      you're good? i can see you're ignoring my buddy request. afraid to play a game?


                        add me anytime

                        Training in Progress

                          @Matthias, sorry to say, but i don't play with noobs, i just own them, i don't really think you would want to play against my QoP though... you wouldnt want to, trust me.

                          Ming (Zufälliger König)

                            wow, so many excuses. if u dont even dare to have a game together , then u can stop talking. shows how afraid you are that you will suck and when i post your replay.

                            packet canceled

                              Don't even get me started on your shitty item builds...

                              Training in Progress

                                Think what you want boy, idk why you think your good. its kind of sad. but if it helps you sleep then... yeah im full of excuses and i dont dare to play with you :(

                                look @ what jimmy said, mb you shld take his words :D

                                Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                  only noobs follow the recommended items blindly.
                                  oh and it does not matter to me if i lost using a different item build. i know what item suits which hero best. :)

                                  theres nothing to start about my item builds, it's a matter of how you use it.

                                  packet canceled

                                    What does Vanguard contribute to any hero?

                                    0 teamfight value / doesn't help in farm

                                    Vanguard naga siren lel

                                    If you desp. need hp why not get pms / vit boost?

                                    Vanguard AND heart and a reaver on bristleback... you sure know your shit well!

                                    Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                      LOL. im afraid you dont know anything about item builds :)

                                      go play a game of naga without vanguard and see what happens. then go play a game of carry bristleback and see what happens.

                                      now dont get me started on a game with complete retards.

                                      oh and if i got a vit boost on naga, might as well just make it into vg. what noob keeps a vit booster anyway, after a vit booster vg costs like another 1,1k? which can be farmed in like, under 5mins if farm ancients. lewl

                                      noobs trying to teach me item builds. hmmmm


                                        @Ming VG is pretty much a dead item these days. Unless buffed, you're not going to see it picked up often. The damage block is mediocre at best, and the additional hp gain is not really bang-for-your-buck.

                                        You're better of saving up for a Linken's than a VG on Naga. Heck, even on Bristle, it makes more sense to pick up a HoD rather than spring for a VG.

                                        packet canceled

                                          ?? holy shit

                                          packet canceled

                                            at least someone knows his shit well

                                            packet canceled

                                              i must be a noob ;_;


                                                ^stop being beesa's bitch and start carrying me on aussie servers


                                                packet canceled

                                                  b-but beesa likes me no mo


                                                    VG is a shit item, do u know how damage block works?
                                                    Vanguard block takes place before armor reduction, meaning e.g. opponent dmg 200, dmg block proc = 160 dmg, then armor reduction happens.
                                                    imo I would rather buy a headdress+platemail which is cheaper.
                                                    The only way to make this item worth buying is to allow it be disassembled


                                                      what happened here? this thread ain't about Vanguard being worth the money or not.

                                                      Let's just all play together and get 60% win rate :D

                                                      i'm playing now.. add me up!

                                                      packet canceled

                                                        omg there actually are people that knows their stuff

                                                        faith in humanity restored

                                                        Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                          VG = 2275g

                                                          LINKEN = 5K

                                                          my fucking vg was done early. so what the fuck are you retards rambling about? and i happen to keep it until the game ends. why dont you fucking watch the game before you judge. seriously u noobs really piss me off

                                                          Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                            lol guess what, fuck you guys. got the balls add me and play a game.
                                                            any other crap you comment here = trash talk

                                                            end of story

                                                            Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                              and those 2 trash smurfers swordiee and zzz have yet to add me

                                                              packet canceled

                                                                lmao Xd

                                                                packet canceled

                                                                  1v1 unvouch XDD

                                                                  Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                                    im bad midder so.. :D
                                                                    but oh well, lets give it a try anyway


                                                                    packet canceled

                                                                      you ignored me You_Got_Fukt

                                                                      packet canceled

                                                                        ming dodge?

                                                                        Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                                          was taking a dump


                                                                            Ming stop being bullshit la.. Ur winning rate has proved everything la


                                                                              who is gonna stream ur game?

                                                                              packet canceled

                                                                                uh CM > Enchantress

                                                                                holy fuck is this kid autistic

                                                                                Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                                                  uh early? our game didnt even end yet

                                                                                  packet canceled

                                                                                    He's on the gullin15 level of delusional lmao


                                                                                      noob ming

                                                                                      Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                                                        lol ok. it was 1-0. we agreed 2, then after first kill we went on with sven and pl?

                                                                                        Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                                                          lol ok. have it ur way, i didnt mention im a good midder anyway loooooool

                                                                                          packet canceled

                                                                                            did I even need to go on? you're so fuckin horrible I can afk 10 mor eminutes and still win

                                                                                            Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                                                              lol ok. congratz, e-penor longer by 10inches.


                                                                                                ming isnt a noob, but that guy is a top tier dota player

                                                                                                packet canceled

                                                                                                  I feel dumber by the minute under this kid's presence lmao