Passive abilities that illusions can use:
- Evasion
- Critical Strike (it should be noted that the red number is before the illusion reduction)
- Feedback (only works on melee illusions)
- Movement speed (flat and percentage)
- Attribute bonus (Strength, agility and intelligence)
- Flat HP or mana
- True Sight
- Radiance burn aura (the aura still will not affect units already affected by a different Radiance aura)
- Endurance Aura
- Spell resistance from abilities, and base spell resistance
- Quelling Blade's Demolish
Passive abilities that illusions can't use (even if the animation might show something different):
- Raw damage or armor
- Attack speed (except from agility or Endurance Aura)
- HP or mana regeneration
- Orb effects (except Feedback on melee illusions)
- Cleave
- Bash (it works in some rare scenarios, read more about it below), this includes the interrupt on Monkey King Bar
- Damage block
- Spell resistance from Planeswalker's Cloak, Hood of Defiance or Khadgar's Pipe of Insight
Can illusion give crit atk,bash,and other orb attack???