General Discussion

General DiscussionRecruiting a good support player

Recruiting a good support player in General Discussion

    Hello everyone, My Dota2 team is looking for a new dedicated support player to fill our roaster. We are a relatively new team and has attended some small online tournament.

    what we are looking for is a support player who knows how to play their role, Some one who is able to work well in a team environment and take constructive criticism.

    we sign up for small tournaments on a weekly bases and will require you to have monday nights 7 to 11PM PST available for mandatory practice hours.

    If you feel like you want to join a team of great players and enjoy a better level of play please reply to this post.

    we are not looking to hold anyone's hand through this so please be experience in supporting.


      what servers are you playing on? who else is in the team?


        These guys are good, any good supports out there-- definitely join up with this team.


          Which server are you guys playing in?


            hi everyone! thank you for the response. we are playing on the US west/east servers


              i'm down to support your team


                I'd be interested in joining.


                  I am looking for a highly competitive team. I play mainly 4/5 role. I have 4 years experience playing support. Please add me with MrWoods[77].

                  I would like to setup a tryout.

                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!