General Discussion

General DiscussionUnderplayed characters who have scary potential.

Underplayed characters who have scary potential. in General Discussion

    There are many misunderstood characters in Dota, because of this they are rarely played or considered terrible characters. Here are a few characters I believe when played to their potential are as scary as any of them Flavour of the month characters.

    #1: Visage;

    Thank god not many know how to use this guy effectively, Visage is an absolute monster when played by competent players. He can destroy any TRYlane by himself, he is deceptively tanky and his ultimate when used properly can be punishing. The nuke damage within team fights is constant and massive. Some professional teams have used visage to good success, Team liquid being one of them.

    #2: Necrolyte;

    Another misunderstood character, It would be fair to say support necrolyte is not the right way to play this character. It would be fair to say that there are superior characters which would do more with the priority over farm. However Given we are stuck in this rotation of strong strength carries necrolyte not only dominates laning phase, his ultimate destroys characters like naix and lone druid. His heal is disgusting and once he has mekansm it gets even worse. Finally it's his Aura which i think is broken, misunderstood and underplayed.

    #3: Razor;

    Amazing trylaner, Amazing anti-carry, amazing aoe, Peaks fast. Very scary character with a lot of potential. He does have his draw backs no escape and when focused he can fall off the pace very quickly. However when played effectively this character really becomes a handful.

    #4: Mirana;

    Not sure if Mirana is balanced and just doesn't fit the current meta or she is in need of a buff. The potential of this character is ridiculous, Perhaps she just fell off in use due to popularity and what not. What ever the cause may be Mirana definitely deserves to see more game time, her ganking potential and SKILL shot can change games very quickly.

    Feel free to post your idea's, these are just a few characters I think are under appreciated and have great potential.


      You're so right about Visage, thing is, you don't even have to be good to play him. Microing him is extremely easy compared to other micro heroes.


        Yes and no, People often get caught up in the moment of team fights and completely forget about their familiars, When used properly, visage just sits back reigning down nukes and properly using his gargoyles. Most of the time when I see people with visage failing(myself included) somehow I/they are in the centre of the team fight and visage is easy pickings there.

        ❤ Ashley ❤

          necrolyte? you kidding? he has one of the highest winrate

          Bot Tyrone

            Visage was good, but if you want to talk about the current meta he doesn't fit the way current laning goes about does not suit him at all.

            Necrolyte has always been played as a carry, I have no idea who you are referring to...of the games he has been played and recorded at dota academy (competitive matches, not every competitive tournament though), 70% of the time he is played as #1. And once again he sucks right now because he can't lane + farm anywhere but the safelane, and he just is not worth giving safelane farm to over another #1 hero. And also cannot be picked at all if the enemy is able to have an aggressive trilane.

            Razor is trash, anti-carry my ass. The days of Viper and Razor being efficient anti-carries has been over for a long time, you absolutely need to have some kind of instant effect that is quite reliable. So obviously shit like Bat Rider's ultimate, RP (especially against melee), Naga's net (against melee), BM ulti and Enfeeble are all so much better. And then of course bash and %miss are all better too. -MS and DoT -damage skills are shit for anti-carrying except against very specific enemies.

            Mirana is trash tier right now as well. What makes you think that she is good? Also it's the worst skill shot in the game by far. If you have decent vision around you, you can easily, easily dodge the arrow, and I don't mean vision of POTM shooting the arrow. Her base damage is very low, and her laning is quite screwy as well. Not a reliable or strong mid hero, not worth safelane farm (potentially aggressive tri-lane farm), and not a great offlaner either. With a buff to her base damage and faster arrow speed she will be great.

            高橋 涼介

              Zeus is good too. No one realize it, or just think that Zeus is bad, because of the lack of ability to run.

              True, but his nuke can one shot supports.


                "Visage was good, but if you want to talk about the current meta he doesn't fit the way current laning goes about does not suit him at all."

                Can you clarify please?


                  ♥ 김정훈 ♥20 hours ago
                  Zeus is good too. No one realize it, or just think that Zeus is bad, because of the lack of ability to run.

                  True, but his nuke can one shot supports.

                  I really enjoy using zeus and i pick him in pub only when the other team has 4 squishies, other than that against facerush characters which plague pub zeus can fall off the pace faster than most and it's not fun playing catch up on him.

                  It's always great getting up that 20- aghanims completely destroys squishies.


                    but zeus is not underplayed


                      Its weird because last time I played -AR, I randomed Visage and two players said "GG Visage, push fast". How does visage have such a bad rep? His level 1 movement steal is IMBA.

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