General Discussion

General DiscussionNot a rant . Not a blog post

Not a rant . Not a blog post in General Discussion
Turtle Slayer

    Got somewhere between 15-20 dota 2 accounts to alternate between low priortiy/mute . Games played on each account vary from 10-50. (main has alot more)
    I decided this wasnt enough game ruin. Almost everyone of those accounts has 10-15 invites.
    Went to some netcafe shops where they only play LoL and absolutly hate Dota 2 and all it represents. And gave away about 100 invites in 3 different nets.
    Told them to get into low priority while they wait between their games.
    Join game > ability abuse > courier feed> hero feed> flame allies> flame enemies > shout ''viva la report system'' and leave game
    Who knows they might play on whole games and troll the shit out of people even more until sm1 rqs.

    Now you ask , what will this do?
    -make dota 2 unnapealing for a good group of people that are thinking of starting to play dota 2
    -wasting player reports so that the real offenders can get away with all their shit ( <3 you guys)
    -unnapealing for smurfs since there is a good chance that these people troll the shit out of them and make them lose unlosable games
    -more useless accounts that wont spend a dime at valve.

    Promised everyone of them who gets in low priority for more then 2 days that ill email them another invite so they can alternate between accounts while waiting for their LoL games to start. (they play smg close to -cm so they have about 10-20 min to kill between every game)
    Hopefully with enough games they get their own invites and give to other fellow LoL players abroad.
    I hope the cancer spreads.


      epic :D


        maybe you shouldnt be so autistic in chat

        Turtle Slayer

          Spread the cancer


            lol.. waste of your time bud. Dota players don't give two shits about what you do, we just play our game because we like it.

            Those "dota players" you're trolling, are the scum low-tier trash that I'd prefer to be out of my game and into LoL anyway... So thanks, spread the cancer to the pigs in the sty so you can eat them when they fall over into your lap.


            Turtle Slayer

              Mis you are talking to a 2300 dbr with 1600 wins ...
              no way these guys will come in my game. This is a away to protest mute/report system.


                Wow. Fuck the police...what a loser.


                  guess people have too much time on their hands when it comes to ruin something. Ever tought of improving the community for a change? guess not.

                  Autism is great

                    keep it up

                    Gnome Chompski

                      OP, i bet they just laughed behind your back and thought u are some neckbeard loser. cant believe you actually thought they took you seriously. how pathetic are you lol?

                      Click Clackin' Crackalackin'

                        OP got turned down by Gaben

                        Turtle Slayer

                          they sort of came up with the idea. i just enhanced it.

                          Penis Monkey

                            Not being funny, but I would happily talk about a way to disrupt something I don't enjoy, e.g. LoL, but when it actually came down to implementing something I'm far too lazy to care, plus my feelings aren't that strong. I'm 99% sure that 99% of the people this 'cancer' spreads too will humour the idea then go back to LoL without ever logging into Dota2.

                            Why is such an experienced player being such an ass bandit btw? If you hate valve just don't play.


                              ^ what this guy said +++


                                Utterly selfish... You are not happy with your life, so you try and ruin other people's enjoyment.

                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!