General Discussion

General DiscussionNO DBR!

NO DBR! in General Discussion
Finschken ♥ #LongLiveAlli...

    For people getting or already having Plus (included me), I can say that there's no chance to see your DBM, they removed it long time ago. So, stop spamming the Forums with threads about WHY CAN I NOT SEE MY DBM.

    Because you can't.

    ----------- CHANGELOGS -----------

    February 3
    Remove DBR from player profile (dbr cannot be updated)

    February 28
    Removed DBR player rankings page

    Ming (Zufälliger König)

      whats a dbm?


        You sure bout that op?

        Safe Base

          To troll or not to troll?

          I think I will not troll, DBR is no longer updated. Ming and raqyee likes to troll people about it.

          Ming (Zufälliger König)

            u still can see dbr
            u just have to complete the code strings and it'll show. but it will be wrong, and from what i can do, op's dbr is 75%. but there's no platinum or stuff like that, it's all gibberish letters coz the daemon cant pull data from valve's api (not every1 enabled share history) and dbr needs everyone's history


              How do we see our DBR?

              Ming (Zufälliger König)

                u have to be a boyfriend / girlfriend of any of dotabuff admin's daughter / son.
                she made me one superadmin account , which is an overlay when u login to dotabuff.

                i have the authority to fix stuff but i dont know how. so i only used it to view dbrs


                  Can you check my DBR rating please???

                  Sarcasm deactivated.

                  Pandamonium(You Died)

                    As someone officially with 100% DBR All people in this thread except for Ming are low level bronze peasants.


                      @ The Terrible

                      Well 3rd comes straight after 2nd and as you know...



                        So what is the point of plus then?


                          there is none, its got fuck all features. useless wish i didnt pay for it

                          Finschken ♥ #LongLiveAlli...
