General Discussion

General DiscussionOkay, okay!

Okay, okay! in General Discussion

    So here is the thing, every match i go solo matchmatching i get some sort of situations. First of all there must be a guy saying "I will support". Than u pick the carry and go on lane with the support and he is starting to fight over u for a lasthits, you are pinging like crazy, "stop doing that" and nobody pays attention for it. So I though, maybe try a mid strat - go mid and farm on my own. So i picked up a TA, suddenly a doom says he will go farm safe lane with the support of jakiro. My other two teammates go RANDOM and get morph and void. WHAT A NICE DUAL LONG LANE. Suddenly, they went 0-6 0-5 in 14 minute. But its okay i got this! Prolong the match playing 1v5 for 44 minutes, until the fucking useless void CHRONOS ME IN THE CORNER SO PL CAN PUNISH MY FACE WHILE MY BUYBACK TIME WAS ON COOLDOWN.
    SO, a conclusion, how do u win a solo game?


      You don't. Dota is a 5 v 5 game. Solo games are just for fun, not for winning or taking very seriously.

      If you want to accomplish something beyond having fun in a solo game, you practice using a hero, you try to make friends who you can then play with in 5 que games.


        happens every game...
        solution: just dont care after you've done your part
        act like a bot/creep and mute whoever you don't wanna listen to.
        die and die but dont care they use up 4 or 5 to kill you meanwhile u just gotta trust they get farm while they are killing you. If they have some skill you win anyways... since they use up that time u gave them. If they don't deserve the win you would lose anyway and its also better to lose trolling.


          Playing solo MM needs different mindset. One of the most important thing is to create a friendly atmosphere in your team. It is an art.


            before that people have to be able to differ who knows best! i clearly know best in all of my games since im so far down in my ELO!
            fucktards ruin = i fuck them and ruin more for them! playing better now? Still fuck you i ruin and destroy items


              lol Pringles even if you do know best, no one will cooperate with that attitude.

              Anyway for anyone stuck in Normal que because of a losing streak...just pick a game winning hero that can carry and split push and win a few games. If you are actually good and in Normal que, you can easily farm and split push your way out. No one will have the skill to stop you. Just get big, take the towers, take raxes and win.


                Relentless talks like that for a reason, just take a look at his matches. Or I can save you the time, he feeds and prays that others will carry the game - even when he is the carry.


                  solo matchmaking is crap anyway the different of skill lvls is to damn high so .. i even prefer to paly vs stacks


                    Thanks for the answers, i'll try to find better players to stack with, winning is more fun or even loosing with a funny decent team! :)


                      just have fun with friends or solo queue dont take all trolls and dummies too seriously :D just play in chill mode


                        Again and again, like, everygame i don't stack I loose. Simple as that 100 % accure. Is it just me and my fucking bad luck, or valve just puts me with the worst players in the world, and forced me to use all my reports and not enough?
                        How it is fun to loose at the secound minute in the game when u see some drow pick who can't lasthit for fuck, and the scoreboard shows 10-0 for ur opponents. Rest of the game is you just fucking wastin ur time waiting for your opponents to fucking finish the game, and feeding them in the same time. I'm really pissed off.


                          that first comment was put perfectly "RANDOM and get morph and void. WHAT A NICE DUAL LONG LANE." sounds exactly like my real life friend i play with i just accept im in a bad team and do my best while the game is going on so my stats still look decent and pray the enemy will finish fast so i can pick PL and rape everyone!

                          ρ૨เɳ૮ε σƒ ƭαเωαɳ

                            solo match takes about 10 minute to find. i find solo matches very easy to play. i won my 4 games by first time playing solo match.


                              i do like this

                              if someone ruins my game i ruin their game and make sure noone of us in the team wins