General Discussion

General Discussionplease nerf riki

please nerf riki in General Discussion
ρ૨เɳ૮ε σƒ ƭαเωαɳ

    riki suck ass when we have a team with riki. people suck at him. nerf him plz.

    Ming (Zufälliger König)

      42% scrub

      ρ૨เɳ૮ε σƒ ƭαเωαɳ

        it was 46% ming. dropped to 42% i play by my self most of time. i dont stack like you bro. people who stack= no skill. people who play by him self has more skill bro.

        tveni tveni

          xD xD xD xD xD


            +1, riki too op
            Stacking is for retards, very bad valve no introduce the solo matchmaking that they introduced :@:@:@

            ρ૨เɳ૮ε σƒ ƭαเωαɳ

              @ mapzor there is a solo match making now. it takes about 10 minute to find a game. and its easier.


                "very bad valve no introduce the solo matchmaking that they introduced"


                  k nerfed on next patch

                  ρ૨เɳ૮ε σƒ ƭαเωαɳ

                    @ vaikiss are you admin? lol


                      I noticed you play Outworld a lot lately - he is a carry, not a walking ult.
                      Don't build refresher or scepter.

                      If you are getting hit hard by physical damage, get a ghost scepter and spam your orb ("Q") manually.

                      Try building:
                      Power Treads > Force Staff > Scythe > Skadi as your core

                      Throw in the following where needed:
                      Ghost Scepter > BKB > Linkens

                      If Riki is getting you, force staff out of cloud, turn on Ghost scepter, and 3 hit the little bastard with your orb. You can use the Scythe device on him if you are really afraid.

                      And always carry some dust.

                      Also your skill build on OD is weak. You should not put any points into his ORB until you have maxed Aura. You can right click spam the orb once you have Power treads and the wizard staff.

                      ρ૨เɳ૮ε σƒ ƭαเωαɳ

                        @ gerry thanks for the tip! no riki was on my team. i was mad at him cuz he doesnt team fight. he wait untill we die and come in. then he also die. piece of crap.


                          Get a buckler, it triggers the aura, and costs u only 25 mana
                          and then get a mek, u use mek, the aura might trigger and ur health and mana gets regenerated a bit
                          I get a silence on OD if there is a riki against me unless u got gd supports, because for me, I don't carry a sentry/dust/gem on OD, because he is a semi-carry, supports hold the gems as their inventory can't get full until rly rly late, sometimes never

                          ρ૨เɳ૮ε σƒ ƭαเωαɳ

                            ok thanks mapzor. but riki is on my team. i know you said "if"


                              U r pissed of riki being on ur side, or on the other side?

                              ρ૨เɳ૮ε σƒ ƭαเωαɳ

                                i am pissed at riki being on my side. because he doesnt help team at all. all he does is hide and watch us die like crap. then he come in and smoke the enemy and they all ran and when riki attack one of them they all gank him and he dies. lol.

                                I come from the dark

                                  Win Rate


                                    I advice u play some bots games, and watch some professional matches, so that u can improve a lot better, if u start immediately playing pub MM, then the client will queue u with similar skilled players and u would never improve that way, as they are skilled almost as much as u

                                    Most pro tournament matches are listed here:

                                    U can watch games through the links they provide on joindota or through here:

                                    If there is a match for a popular team, then u will mostly find it as the top viewers stream

                                    If u play pubs and get bad winrate/scores, u will get bashed by ppl, like "Bad to the bone"..


                                      @Mapz0r, Stacking is for retards? That is an extremely close minded opinion. Isn't this game about strategy? Playing with the same people creates synergy. You should try it, you might win more.


                                        Sarcasm OdiN, it goes a long way.

                                        Cheers @Mapz0r and @Gerry on the helpful tips. I seen this thread going in a whoooole other direction lol. I rarely play OD myself but I'm tempted to give him a try.


                                          Where did I mention "Stacking is for retards" seriously?
                                          "Stacking is for retards, very bad valve no introduce the solo matchmaking that they introduced :@:@:@"
                                          Do u notice the faces, and me declining wut I wrote in the same sentence, and yes, it was sarcasm, just for fun

                                          @nomhak, get me ANY thread here on dotabuff where ppl didn't sticked to the real topic, and I give u 1 chest, it is a mythical chest !!

                                          I come from the dark

                                            Oh year great advice on playing OD, buying Skadi, nice one. Haven't had a laugh like this in a while.

                                            OD is an absolutely useless hero. The only good thing about this hero is that he will rape almost any other hero mid through his astral imprisonment but is unable to gang and has a week presence in team fights early on. Basically to put this in english if you farm the first 25 minutes of the game and come out with items and your team hasn't lost yet - you are good to go into team fights. But then again it's not really a hard carry since it is easily countered by bkb.

                                            2 words. Shit hero. Especially for pubs.

                                            ρ૨เɳ૮ε σƒ ƭαเωαɳ

                                              @ bad really? i think od is very fun. you can spam your Q.

                                              I come from the dark

                                                YOU shouldn't be playing a hero like this anyway, browsed through your previous games, you can't farm to save your life. Unless you can farm 100 creeps in 20 minutes don't even bother choosing carry heroes.

                                                ρ૨เɳ૮ε σƒ ƭαเωαɳ

                                                  ok ty for the tips bad. i will play another hero.


                                                    @bad bone, get hex
                                                    He isn't countered a lot by bkb, yes it's true he would hit with 100 physical dmg, but u can always kill the bkb holder before trying popping his bkb (use instant hex click), some true counter is omni, u should get a purge at that moment, to purge repel off the targeted enemy, or just kill omni first

                                                    OD is gd counter for heroes with extremely low int and int gain, like PA, Antimage, Huskar, and heroes who depend/get on magic/physical resistance, he doesn't care how much ur armor is, or how much magic resistance u got, but as u said, bkb can cause some troubles for the OD player

                                                    I come from the dark

                                                      PA/Huskar = useless trash. don't ever bring up these heroes into discussion.

                                                      Antimage will rape OD. To start with after AM acquires battlefury - it is a farm machine. OD is a slow farmer.

                                                      You really have 2 scenarios with OD. You go mid, you rape mid but you can't gang properly since you have no skills for that. So you must farm mid while your opponent is raping your team.

                                                      You go farming the easy lane which is ok, you can get good items but you are nothing compared to freefarming antimage/gydrocopter or any other good carry.


                                                        Antimage will not rape OD... lol

                                                        I come from the dark

                                                          Until you learn how to win more then half of your games do me a favor and don't post nonsense. OD is not a hard carry and is nothing compared to antimage.


                                                            @MapzOr, Sorry, it is very difficult to get your sarcasm when you can't even speak proper english.


                                                              @OdiN, I am rly sry, english is my 4th language


                                                                Lol bad to the bone... posting tough from a smurf account.

                                                                6 slot antimage vs OD, any time anywhere


                                                                  od stands no fucking chance

                                                                  blink in abyssal stun manta and od dead


                                                                    If OD catches Antimage early game with a hex, antimage would die within seconds, pure dmg, but late game, this is completely not the case, antimage gets almost 2.5x the farm that OD can get

                                                                    Cykapath 传说中的猫龙

                                                                      Am i the only one who noticed that Transformer is asking to nerf Riki, even when he plays by his side?
                                                                      Am i missing something?


                                                                        Riki, don't be silly !


                                                                          by the time od gets hex am should have atleast bf + manta depending on matchups


                                                                            I mean, u hex him before he reacts, ofc, antimage should be some retard with slow reaction to use manta and blink, but if antimage gets hexed, he is doomed, it all depends on who starts the fight on who, OD can 5 hit kill almost anyone, let it 4 with the ulti, especially that antimage's base int and int gain is low

                                                                            It all depends on skills imo

                                                                            But I root to my lovely antimage


                                                                              antimages base int and int gain is one of the biggest one for carry heroes..

                                                                              ❤ Ashley ❤

                                                                                42.57% riki/zeus picker, go back to LoL

                                                                                I come from the dark


                                                                                  oh it's dat tough player's with <50% winrate analysis

                                                                                  Too bad you don't understand dota.


                                                                                    PL, gyro, naga, sf, brood, spectre, slark, medusa, alchemist, most str carries got extremely low mana pool.
                                                                                    And I didn't say that he got low base int and int gain in respect to other carries, I just said his int is low in respect to OD's int (who isn't?)


                                                                                      @Bad to the bone - let me start a smurfette account too... lol

                                                                                      I come from the dark

                                                                                        @Gerry my non smurt account has 55% WR through solo playing.

                                                                                        Regardless of that if you do not understand that OD is a weak hero and is NOT a carry hero, then you don't know a lot about dota.

                                                                                        Antimage is a very mobile hero and is able to farm quickly and could easily achieve 300+ cs in 25-30 minutes. Therefore you would farm 5 items much quicker than you would with OD. You would get nowhere near these numbers with OD. Not even to mention that it is a lot easier to kill OD than antimage when it comes to ganging.

                                                                                        I should mention though, that even in the 20 odd games i've playing on my smurf account - i've managed to get a higher GPM than you did on your main. Highest GPM of 700 is pathetic.

                                                                                        My computer is shit

                                                                                          I'll be sure to let Gabe know OP, rest assured.


                                                                                            reason for nerf
                                                                                            people suck at him
