General Discussion

General Discussion[SG] LF> Positions 1 & 3

[SG] LF> Positions 1 & 3 in General Discussion

    As the title mentioned, we're looking for 2 mid-skilled players, able to fill the roles of Hard carry & Offlane. Like any budding D2 team, our main focus is to start off slowly, improving the team's basic fundamentals like communication, synergy and what not. If the team is developed enough, we may even look to go for the competitive scene. Some basic requirements:

    * Must be 16+ years old
    * Singaporeans ONLY
    * Able to write/speak proper English/Mandarin
    * Mic for communication purposes (Skype)
    * Able to speak out in a group during games enemy item pickups, ward placement and whatnot.
    * Motivated to win games and treat every game seriously.

    Our timezone is GMT +8 and we usually play on afternoons (1pm onwards) as well as evenings (11pm onwards).

    If you meet the basic criteria and do want to be part of our team, please reply this thread with your steam and dotabuff pages. Alternatively, you can add me to provide this information as well.

    My steam account: