General Discussion

General DiscussionAnti-mage embraces Magic

Anti-mage embraces Magic in General Discussion

    Anti-mage embraces Magic as Kurok purchases veil of discord and dagon 5 to befriend his new magical buddies in the Dota 2 League game today Liquid vs EG. Could this be the first step in a precarious truce between a monk that pretended to renounce magic (while still retaining a couple choice spells for himself) and his magic brethren? Will Anti-mage embrace his true calling as a caster on a more regular basis?

    When questioned the fickle monk said he could not comment on his proclivity for forays into the magic arts due to taking a vow of silence earlier today. He added "magic be dashed". But some wonder whether he doth protest to much.


      Wut is this?
      I give 10/10 for the article


        Pretty much covers the truth about anti mages aproach to magic.


          pff hes just wannabe and using this best guide ever

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Man I laughed so hard at the end of that game where both Bamboe and Fear "shoutout" to each other's scores while one was 1-16 while the other was 2-16.
            Edit: Them words.
