General Discussion

General Discussion6.78c Released

6.78c Released in General Discussion
Totentanz to The King: M ...

    I thought someone else would make a thread about this but nobody did. Changelog :
    Nerfs to top pick heroes. But the nerfs are really small, won't change anything. Expect for Tree, that is a big nerf. And finally some nerf to Alchemist.


      alchemist already sucked as a carry nerfing his ulti will make him being picked even less

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        Actually Alchemist was the only carry that could trade farm vs an AM or Spectre. In China he is top pick material. Also 150 HP isn't that big of a deal.


          good bye Treant Protector


            it is big of a deal he kinda sucks until lvl 16 and he is not carrying as hard as other carrys he only farms faster


              alch is picked for solo mid capabilities, same as DK. he has a great initation skill once he gets his shadow blade and is pretty good mid game that scales very well into late too. i think the nerf is not needed but dont think it affects alch that much anyways.


                next nerf on wisp will be his ulti or spirit damage because icefraud is running out of ideas,

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Actually a full item Alch can kill a full item AM. He sure farms fast but he is not a bad carry either. 1.00 BAT is just ridicilous.


                    Alchemist is one of the worst carries in dota
                    If u ever watched Na`Vi vs Orange, he had 380 more GPM than spectre, and spectre still could outcarry him, however, xvost decided to counter-throw the game ;)

                    Sōu ka

                      yeah he's a very bad carry, that's why he's one of the top 3 carry picks in SEA+China


                        Icefrog has worked very hard to create such a great game for us. Calling him "Icefraud" is unnecessary and disrespectful. Overall, 6.78 is the best change I've seen in a long while.


                          Compare him to Antimage, spectre, luna, Gyro, void, any of these with half amount of farm would easily kite him late game
                          Spectre had 500 GPM, and alchemis had 880, still, spectre did much more in that game

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            Do you really think a Luna can take on Alch in a 1vs1 manfight? Mushi just didn't want to get a BKB that game. And that of course ended up im being kited like hell.

                            Safe Base

                              Overall good changes but I think wisp nerf is not enough.


                                Good nerfs


                                  Yea, the MS nerf on wisp is pretty strong, hopefully they wont continue nerfing the MS. Just remove the wisps dmg and restore the sight :D


                                    lololol alchemist has no chance to take am in 1v1 unless he gets lucky to land full charge unstable concostion followed up by perfectly timed abyssal blade active and then few bashes

                                    POG U POG CHAMP

                                      why notjust remove wisp seems ledgit.


                                        hi wispa


                                          i like ur thinking if some hero is good lets remove him from game

                                          POG U POG CHAMP

                                            Hi urso :P

                                            well some hero will be always op in Pubs.. Lets just go to LoL


                                              every single carry is op in dota when playing with noobs

                                              POG U POG CHAMP

                                                Well new meta pick 5 supports :D


                                                  DotA is getting more balanced, and competitive picks less predictable. And that's right, no point of having 102 heroes and only 20 picked constantly. As high tier heroes are becoming situational picks, low tier heroes are also becoming situational picks. Shit's getting pretty interesting.


                                                    lol wat ? less predictables i can predict 80% of pro team picks based on their bans and firstpicks



                                                      Sōu ka

                                                        yeah you can predict the picks so well, that you actually think alchemist is a bad hero before level 16 when he was picked or banned in every single game of the Alienware Cup playoffs (14/14)


                                                          chinese players suck!
