General Discussion


~ki!L $wIt(H~

    I have a 30 mbps wifi router shared among 5/6 ppl via wifi only. Although the download speed is awsum and ping <60ms but packet loss is too high and spikes and lags the game. Any solution? TCP or sumthng

    I come from the dark

      30mbps upload? Doubt it.

      bum farto

        1. Have an access point in your room.
        2. Copper piping in the wall can cause signal loss or reduced connectivity.
        3. Use SG-TCP-Optimizer
        4. Login to the router and make sure things are set correctly. e.g. Modes set to N, G, N1 etc.
        5. Do not download at the same time as playing or avoid streaming music while playing.
        6. Tunnel the IP of the server you are playing when the game starts and open ports 27015 - 28999.

        If this doesn't do the trick give me your router name and I will look for firmware updates or issues. Could you provide a pingtest via CP or a speedtest.

        bum farto

          Shit, it just dawned on me what could be the issue.

          Your modem isn't wifi is it or is it connected to a wifi switch? Connecting directly to a modem or router is a bad idea and as much as possible you should be pulling your internet through a switch or access point.

          If you have RJ45 connectors on the modem/router might I suggest setting up powerline adaptors.

          ~ki!L $wIt(H~

            Thanks for the reply..
            1)Plz tell me how to use the tcp optimizer to reduce packet loss. i.e. on what settings.
            2) i dont do downloads etc.. and
            3) how to tunnel the ip of server
            4) how to open ports 27015 and 28999

            I come from the dark

              5/6 people is way too many. I reckon the upload speed is around 1-2mb shared between 6 people this won't be much which would be the cause of spikes.

              I've had the same issue at home with 2 PC's. I have 1mb upload and it is not enough for other person to say talk via skype using a webcam and me playing dota - spikes like hell.

              Bad Intentions

                Ahhh i solved this problem years ago.

                Download cFosspeed.

                You're welcome

                ~ki!L $wIt(H~

                  ^^ dude if that works i wil pray u

                  ~ki!L $wIt(H~

                    Doesnt work. is there any specific setting to be done?

                    I come from the dark

                      Are you gonna post your upload speed or what?

                      You can check it here

                      ~ki!L $wIt(H~

                        Png 48 ms packet loss : 49 %
                        jitter 1ms


                          look @ my net my net is amazing


                          just kidding


                            too slow guys, and that ping..



                              Slow connection, still can own

                              TikTok Uncle

                                its all about the ping

                                Dread Pirate Cat

                                  What is your wifi connection status? Try changing wireless channel. If it is lag spikes it might be from your other clients on the wireless router taking all available bandwidth temporarily. If so, you may want to consider getting a router with QoS and setting that up. You may be able to use the tomatoUSB firmware on your router to do this already, depending on what router model you had. I had issues at work where someone was streaming netflix and as such I would have like a 2000ms ping. I set up QoS and set a maximum bandwidth % of slightly less than the DSL was capable of, then made DOTA 2 highest priority and everything was great.


                                    If you have no way to connect with cable, get homeplug, I had issues with Dota 2 when playing wifi constantly losing connection and spikes, with homeplug issue is resolved

                                    ~ki!L $wIt(H~

                                      Still dint find a solution


                                        will suck dicks for green card to leave this shithole

                                        Ples Mercy

                                          its usually a driver issue. Try new drivers and if u use a 3rd party wlan manager program, then deinstall it and let windows handle the wlan, thats how i fixed packet losses on multiple laptops.


                                            @~ki!L $wIt(H~
                                            If you're using WiFi then its usually a reception issue, connect a cable directly from router to computer or get a better WiFi broadband that produces stronger signals if your only receiving 30mbps of your WiFi then there will obviously be lag since a regular cable connection can reach up to 100mbps


                                              ^^ you have to set the channel on something it might be set to scan random channels and thats why its not working well

                                              Dirty Dan

                                                UPDATE JAVA! Always fixes mine.