General Discussion

General DiscussionTutorial

Tutorial in General Discussion

    I think the updated tutorial is pretty good now. You progress from basic movement, mechanics of lasthitting and shoping, leveling with lots of helpful hints every step of the way and encouraging defending and killing towers on a simplified a set of 1 v 1 matchups where you are likely to win auto attacking against an easy bots games...and finally into games with a limited hero pool so you don't get overwhelmed.

    I think the pace and scope is great. But then it's been well over 5K games since I knew nothing about dota. It's hard for me to really go back and imagine what it would be like. I think some people might get impatient to play the full game before finishing the full tutorial, which will take maybe 10 hours of play for a nub to complete??? But anyone who does go through the whole thing will have a far easier time going into their first game. If someone really tried to start playing dota 2 with no preparation it could be a very unpleasant experience of nothing but feeding and criticism while they tried to figure out how to perform the basic mechanics of the game.

    I really don't know what its like to play dota as a totally new player these days. When I started I watched my brother play maybe a hundred games before trying it myself. It was so interesting to watch. I still enjoy watching games more than playing sometimes.
    Total Biscuit and Pyrion Flax have given me a little insight into what it must be like. It does seem that new players enjoy the game a lot despite failing at almost everything they do...maybe its because they don't know the most of their mistakes are mistakes.

    I struggle to understand that because I am a very competitive person. But I think it really does seem to be working out for many, many people to have a great time playing dota while not knowing why things happened or even what happened most of the time. This is very good to see. I was hoping it would be possible for a much easier, friendlier transition into the game and it appears that Valve has set up a way for it to be possible.


      what league of legends does for their chanpion spotlight is good for the game these tutorials are boring and slow paced

      Woof Woof

        terrible tutorials especially the one with dk


          way too fucking slow


            How much faster do you think it should go? What should they skip explaining or assume? What would make it more interesting?

            Woof Woof

              nothing can be done because valve devs are noobs at the game and i bet they didnt even bother to get insights from non retarded players
              what i expect in next tutorial is something super impractical that have nothing to do with real dota experience

              go ulti that tide hunter bro


                hmm, so the tutorial for nubs is geared toward nubs and therefore it sucks...

                Any other opinions?

                Brian Heriot

                  They are good. People just crying cause now they cant smurf like before.


                    Oh? do you have to complete it on a new account to play? That would be great. I have not made any smurf accounts yet...probably won't bother, although I have 3 more keys.

                    Woof Woof

                      they should hold their hand in real dota like experience against normal bots not afk 5hit razor that hit creeps instead of you and afk tidehunter that waits for lvl 6

                      with pace like that they would have to create like 30tutorials before someone can join a game against 5 real players


                        They need voice acting for the tutorial.


                          ^ that's a good idea. I think a voice for some of those characters would make it a lot more interesting.

                          They do bring you into 5 v 5 dota games with bots and then with other totally new players. But you do maybe an hour or two of stuff before you get to the bots games. Is that really so much when people play things like WoW for weeks before activating anything like the full content...LoL doesn't give access to all the heroes forever either. I've read that you even have to pay for them.


                            the style they are using is too much like warcraft and what they should be doing is showing people how the spells work in a demonstrations and what type of things utilize their spells in single and team combat then have scenarios with bots in a sort of game that would make them do such spells to help out the team or get a kill

                            Autism is great

                              Tutorial is going to be long retarded shit filled with addiction patterns


                                KrzyMoFo I think that how to use a spell for a nub is really just is it aoe or single target...I think the sort of things you are talking about are way beyond what a new player can absorb.


                                  they need to add dota shopping and cosmetics tutorial, thats the main point of the game anyway


                                    ^I would like to disagree, but there is no rational basis to do so.





                                        sniper tutorial u got 2.6k gold

                                        it tell u to buy fucking brown boots then upgrade them into fucking arcanes ? AS A MOTHERFUCKING SNIPER ARCANES ?!@?!@?!?@!?

                                        then it tells u to buy basilus even tho u still got 1.6k gold left why not motherfucking aquila + something else ?


                                          In the sniper vs axe solo match up mid (comes later) you are supposed to get treads and Aquila.

                                          I don't think there is any way a nub will remember what items they got one time or another. They are just going to follow whatever they are told. It seems the arcane is to provide for the likelihood that the nub will waste a lot of mana. It's the same idea with giving you a KotL to chackra you in the first one...and the whole point of being a DK and telling you to skill a point in blood. Its all to prevent failure no matter what you do.


                                            I completed all 3 tasks (you should have Gunslinger Bracers, Gunslingers Hat and Cloak by now)
                                            I got Cloak and Bracers but when I completed task 3 they gave me the hat, I disconnected and when I reconnected I didn't had it anymore
                                            that sucks because I stayed like 4-5 hours to complete all that shit


                                              Does Valve have a way to report an error for it? I've found that sort of thing seems hard to do. I've had half a dozen problems with items. All of them were eventually fixed without me doing anything, but it might be months.


                                                sniper with arcane boots are not bad, especially for group up and pushing, spam that first skill on tower


                                                  The last one was not a tutorial at all.


                                                    the creeps attack too slowly as do the heroes... i believe the attack damage is lower too

                                                    this contributes to the #¤%&/()= of this shit being so fucking slow to complete!!

                                                    and as the guy ^ said. a voice shit thingy communicating with you the whole time would rly help! + less boring


                                                      spent so much time afking vs bots to get those sniper items and now can't find matches to get last part ;/


                                                        ^ my bot game took 17 minutes, should have just taken the initiative & owned your lane & push to throne.