Here's my peen, LOOK HOW BIG IT IS, I hate the word useless, it's I not welcome? You wouldn't want me anyway, I'm bad.
Good luck.
E-peeners (look at my peen), show offs (LOOK HOW BIG IT IS), useless criticism (I hate the word useless, it's rubbish), are not welcome (am I not welcome?)
You see, I purposely did all the things you didn't want to demonstrate just how bad I am and that you wouldn't want me, 'twas only a little joke, so good luck again.
(Useless criticism...I hate the word useless, it's rubbish! No? nothing....? Not even a smirk? nvm then, i'll go back to my cave.)
@ QckDtH, Jasmine
i'll add you guys, we'll see how it goes , and pretty soon we'll form the team up.
As title says.
I still have a month of holiday left, so i will be online almost 5-15 hrs a day.
Im hoping to do some serious play, and have soem fun along the way.
Please post here before adding me.
Just three rules :
1. No flaming/raging/blaming.
2.Must know basic mechanics, how to play support like a support and carry like a carry
3. No randoming if we play ap.
Please feel free to give constructive criticism.
E-Peeners, show offs, useless critiscism are not welcome.