people wont like to play with you, since teams usually play cpt. mode, if they ban invoker then ur completely useless.
u cant judge on ppl on score or on games there's ( Fun Games and / Real Games ) and Real Games is Cw games and u cant check cw games at dota buff :) !
Did u ever see spectre with aghmian and refresher ?
This is one game I played with my mates but I can also play other heroes. My main hero is invoker though. Improved more than what it seems on my scoreboard. The other heroes I played on that account was ages ago on a wooden pc. I played pudge aswell.
Haven't been on for a while but just got back and played a few good and terrible games.
My Fav hero is Invoker and i can play him in both mid and in lane.
I have builds for him. An example of my wex build is demonstrated here : 244307633
Just looking for a decent team :) add me in steam. I'll be on in about 12 hours from when this topic is posted :)