General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    Good: zeus/necro
    Bad: winrate


      Good: Invoker
      Bad: Pudge mid and feed


          ^"unless I actually want to". I thought you were a cool boy, now I look at you as a retard. fucking sad.
          ???ebyam cipot no yats


            Good: shoulder massage
            Bad: Happy ending. I did not get what I paid for.


              why so mean:(


                IDK dang has been mean lately. I am hurt. I thought we were best friends exchanging glances through the forums laffing, playing. Now he is upset lately. Too bad :(

                nebunu la jokuri 77777

                  Good overal player
                  Bad: plays bloodseeker:D


                    Caveman, we're still bestfriends, aint we?)) Let's practise today ye nice awesome <3

                    nebunu la jokuri 77777



                        good: carry winrates
                        bad: overall winrate and your profile picture makes me hate you


                          I <3 dang dang. Thanks you make me feel better now :)

                          Good: Doesn't change his name a billion times or profile pic. On heros, great TA, 80% out of 40 games much wow!

                          Bad: That natures prophet. You and me are in the same boat don't play that natures prophet anymore!


                            Good: Plays a lot of support
                            Bad: Slight rat :D


                              G: WK win rate
                              B: Has a MLP profile pic, and less than 50% win rate. CK is under 38% and is his top play better stop playing CK.

                              Horsing around

                                Good: Plays a lot of support
                                Bad: Plays CD=tryhard

                                Low Expectations

                                  Good: Seems as a fairly competent mid player
                                  Bad: Cant play the hero with highest skill cap Ogre Magi

                                  COYOTE CÓSMICO

                                    Good: 50% general wr, likes Rubick

                                    Bad: Super low KDAs for that many games


                                      Good: 4 Ranked wins in a row
                                      Bad: Overall winrate 48%


                                        Good: Some nice hero stats in there, bounty, ursa etc.
                                        Bad: Windrunner/ranger, Lina, Qop, ma boy Invo...

                                        nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                          Good: nice invoker and most heroes kda
                                          Bad: drow as one of the most played heroes


                                            good: weaver/naix
                                            bad: winrate, gogo 50%

                                            The Cat Named Money

                                              Good: eeeh :/. plays a character i never see? (QoP) And Wins well at that!
                                              Bad: Barely skims over 50% WR

                                              Mentally Unwelled

                                                Good: BB to bait trash tier players
                                                Bad: smurf acc to get high mmr, and then road to 3k rating

                                                The Cat Named Money

                                                  (lol. thats been said before. still not a smurf. still just new-ish.)
                                                  Good: Appreciates a good BB apparently xD.
                                                  Bad: ppl like you make Pudge number 1 most picked, mostly sticks to highly played characters in general.

                                                  Hex Sigma

                                                    g-highest healing on am(new meta support)
                                                    b-few games played

                                                    Expose The Nose

                                                      good: w/r? not much tbh cuz this is a new acc ( prolly a smurf but i won't judge)
                                                      bad: match id:576327246. that anti mage item build~

                                                      nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                                        Good: plays a great variety of heroes
                                                        Bad: too much invoker and still low winrate


                                                          Good: Juggernaut KDA.
                                                          Bad: Overall winrate.


                                                            Good : Nice winrate with most played heroes
                                                            Bad : Losing streak is longer than winning


                                                              good: dat enigma
                                                              bad: overall winrate


                                                                good: lanaya
                                                                bad: clinkz


                                                                  T_T eternally cursed on that hero, i could have 700 gpm and still lose with him

                                                                  good: invoker (are you grimorum?)
                                                                  bad: changing fucking name all the time, pudge, am, and BH winrates


                                                                    Good : Kanade
                                                                    Bad : No wins as ember or ancient apparition

                                                                    and he's not grimorum


                                                                        @ Hot.Salza
                                                                        Good: xpm/gpm averages
                                                                        Bad: anti-mage

                                                                        Horsing around

                                                                          Good: Jakiro WR and KDA ratio.
                                                                          Bad: Doesn't play ranked mm.


                                                                            Good: nice winrates overall
                                                                            Bad: A few chars you've played 10+ times have terrible winrates =/

                                                                            (And yeah, I need to play more ranked, but I almost always am in a 2-5 stack with friends. I want to wait until they're a bit better at last hitting, warding, etc before I start playing exclusively ranked with them. They're good players, but they often will ask me where to ward if I'm not playing support. I'd prefer they learn the game well enough to just know when/where/how to ward. Same goes with rotations, last hits, etc.)

                                                                            Windows 95

                                                                              Good: Outworld Devourer (8-0)
                                                                              Bad: Nothing in particular, good player

                                                                              Hex Sigma

                                                                                good: magnus wr and kda
                                                                                bad: pudge


                                                                                  @ CPM 154

                                                                                  Yeah i like captains draft. I try hard. I dont half ass everything in my life. How is it being a half an ass?

                                                                                  G:You try hard
                                                                                  B: PA


                                                                                    g: Playing supports
                                                                                    b: offline

                                                                                    Eighty Shades of Yellow


                                                                                      Good: Nice stats for a start if its not ur smurf
                                                                                      Bad: Not very active account

                                                                                      J. Coldfeet


                                                                                        Good: Nyx nyx nyx :D
                                                                                        Bad: riki :|


                                                                                          Good: Overall winrate
                                                                                          Bad: only good things :(


                                                                                            good: lanaya and nevermore
                                                                                            bad: top played hero shit winrate and kda

                                                                                            COYOTE CÓSMICO

                                                                                              Good: Invoker

                                                                                              Bad Magina 33 33.33%


                                                                                                Good: nice mix of heroes on top played
                                                                                                Bad: invoker. I cried.


                                                                                                  good: invo
                                                                                                  bad: storm dafoq


                                                                                                    Good: winrate over 50%
                                                                                                    Bad: 1/9 games won with OD


                                                                                                      Good- solid overall winrate and plays supports
                                                                                                      Bad- mid Invoker and QoP a little weak, also NP winrate