General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    Good : Undying being the top hero

    Bad: Only 1 Ranked Match , Low KDA , Low Hero Pool


      + plays rank probably to try to improve
      - buys blink in every sf game, static build



        G: Good Bristle W/R
        B: Normal Skill, Most played UD have 50% W/R, Most records of all time are either lost or abondoned.

          ^ try not to die always dude. u got many deaths


            Good : Pro player
            Bad : u just created new acc to look good xD


              Good: Lots of supports in your most played list.
              Bad: Thinks that a 33% winrate smurf is a "Pro player"


                Good : decent mid stats
                Bad : your name is horrible and you should feel bad


                  Good : Decent win rates on mid heroes

                  Bad : You play Drow Ranger



                    G: Won Longest Game as Balanar.
                    L: Horrible Invoker W/R as Most Played hero


                      g: doing pretty well with slark, keep it up
                      b: think you've played enough bloodseeker to realise that you should stop picking him


                        G : Pretty good KDA and Winrate with most carry hero
                        B : Having some bad luck when playing Jugger


                          G: Support player, nice win rates. Especially for CM.
                          B: Normal skill, dat Lion lol, also almost no games with carry which is important to be a better support player

                          Charteuse Gale

                            G : meepo, alchemist, and doom in one packet, need wr from meta rangers
                            B : nice ursa game, having good team are you

                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                              + You sure love Spec and play her well, Slardar, ranked win rate

                              - Zeus is meh and PA, almost ⅓ of your games are on Spectre

                              ¤ ϟ Musashi ϟ ¤

                                G: Great Ta
                                B: have not played timber in ages

                                queen's speech

                                  G: Wow necrolyte
                                  B: Why u didnt use him in ranked? u prob can up till 4200 mmr with him


                                    G: Nice winrate! Smurf?
                                    B: Terrorblyat? :x


                                      G: Pretty decentish winrate in ranked for those many games.
                                      B: 44% winrate on your most played hero


                                        G: great overall win rate, TA and SF as well. Seems to be good core player. Smurf account i think?
                                        B: Not a lot of games played. windranger win rate


                                          G: High versitility on your heroes, nice to see someone who can play different heroes
                                          B: Pudge as one of top played ;P

                                          Roast me

                                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                                            + versatile

                                            - win more mate

                                            queen's speech

                                              +good mid kid.
                                              -my lanaya :c


                                                +mr lanaya c:
                                                -report support



                                                  G: great support player
                                                  B: WR's WR


                                                    G: 100% winrate against Techies, versatile hero pool for most roles.
                                                    B: 39.58% sad bloodcyka


                                                      G: Spectre, PL, Meepo is scary, last games variety is good
                                                      B: SEA no support gaming? And, Saitama is overrated

                                                      and for those commenting on me, I'm still learning DotA, please be nice and maybe suggestions? :p

                                                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                        + fresh blood blood with good attitude

                                                        - won't say anything cause you are new

                                                        Suggestions: try to die less. When you are dead you can't do nothing, and you lostesome gold. Know when to back off, worst thing is when you only see a guy at low health and you aren't aware of someone respawning or teleporting or AA ulty or incoming or whatever. Also watch some high MMR or pro Dota, you will pick up few tricks.

                                                        GL with being support in SEA normal skill, I can't even imagine the horror.


                                                          G: Great TA player, 4.7k+ MMR, good guy, got same name as I do (Rados). :-p
                                                          B: Seems like that Shadow Fiend ain't your thing for some reason. I still belive in you, and think you're good SF, but something is brining you down..

                                                          puni puni butt UWU

                                                            Strong top 5 heroes

                                                            Everything else is questionable


                                                              G: tinker
                                                              B: play alot of core hero

                                                              Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                                                                G: Improving
                                                                B: Only mid and carries

                                                                queen's speech

                                                                  G: Full Support *0*
                                                                  B: Goat Mom (no)


                                                                    G: smurf god
                                                                    B: broodmama


                                                                      G: Vhs and Dat winrate
                                                                      B: Do not play Sky mage please you are bad at that


                                                                        G: 630 LT on gyro
                                                                        B: 168 LT morph 50 min carry! WR no dagger.


                                                                          G: main MEppOO player WOOHOO 60% gj dude
                                                                          B: Liama on your profile, dont like liamas bro


                                                                            G: Nice sk, dazzle and AA, support player
                                                                            B: below 50% Winrate, almost no ranked, normal skill

                                                                            < blank >

                                                                              G: perfect WK KDA ratio;
                                                                              B: all most played heroes are not interesting with low amount of active skills


                                                                                G: High win rate across multiple heroes. Plus, you play some support
                                                                                B: KDA ratio is trending downward. It looks like the recession.



                                                                                  G: nice Zeus
                                                                                  B: Lost match as Riki with most kills


                                                                                    G: very good hero choices(furion), also very versatile

                                                                                    B: damn you didnt play bs well at all


                                                                                      G: nice losing streak, inactive, looks like arteezys smurf

                                                                                      B: furion, blyadcyka, low gpm record WHAT!?!? DEFINITELY NOT ARTEEZY!!!


                                                                                        G: Good kda across the board
                                                                                        B: Never won a game as tinker


                                                                                          G : dayum mirana and AA
                                                                                          B : normal skill/ low average GPM / plays horribly tech


                                                                                            good: woah nice slark winrate
                                                                                            bad: idk


                                                                                              good: decent winrates across
                                                                                              bad: kda, needs more games


                                                                                                Good: Supports a lot
                                                                                                Bad :Support a lot, Choppy Party Win Rates,

                                                                                                Westbrook (Prime)

                                                                                                  G: has 51:70% winrate

                                                                                                  B: pubplayer


                                                                                                    Good:Probably new to the game or shitty smurf... keep playing!

                                                                                                    Bad: super low mmr i think