General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion
Fillip Riisk

    G: Rly large hero pool with astonishing kda on ur favourites.
    B: Despite ur flexibility and game impact still only normal skill^^`


      G: Not a normal skill tier trash player who thinks he is good or deserves to be in VHS. Necro & Void WR are insanely high.
      B: 5 man stacking?


        G: Impactful no matter the matchup
        B: Smurf.


          Good : cool Invoker acc
          Bad : Invoker passive sunstrike


            G: 51 kills
            B: winrate could be better


              G: Allways liked SF player since DotA1 and my HoN days. +1 for SF Players!
              D: Invoker is fun. But not for you atm as it looks. Keep on practicing!


                G : nice wr, keep it up!

                B : improve your lion and drow wr

                Fee Too Pee

                  G : those winrates with wr and ember. And wtf those kda on recent game
                  B : nature profit , qop , sky


                    G: 55.95% winrate
                    B: tinker, bh, lc


                      G: win a lot more than lost
                      B: normal/hs smurf


                        G: Jugg

                        B: puck too hard for you? 7% wr kappa123


                          G: OD spammer, therefore understands how dota works

                          B: picking OD is known to cause cancer

                          As a recent omni spammer I feel like we should go OSfrog some people out of their MMR, lmk

                          MURICA LUCK YA

                            G: rare axe main player
                            B: dat lose streek with omi


                              g: games on bs
                              b: lol those kdas, and that win rate , my god, ppl like that exist


                                G: Seems to be quite versatile
                                B: Shipping Kunkka with Omni

                                Player 175043649

                                  G: support player and that winrate damnn
                                  B: dota everyday dude at least 1 game

                                  you all cant carry me

                                    G: Versatile player with high win rate
                                    B: muted


                                      G: high blink purchase rate; black guise
                                      B: very low most denies record

                                      stupid fuck 2000

                                        G: plays a variety of roles, good avg winrate, no recent od or invoker games
                                        B: aside from the invoker and windranger winrates, nothing really


                                          g: above average mid for your level, you seem to like ember a lot
                                          b: plays the same 5 heroes every time in random draft, second most played recently is od


                                            G: cool 2h rocord on qop for longest game
                                            B: only one hero over 30 games.


                                              G:Support player, CM winrate
                                              B:Most carries/mid winrates


                                                G: Brazilian playing on Brazilian servers rather than USEast.
                                                B: Possible smurf.


                                                  g: Good KDA's on recent games, high skill
                                                  B: 3/6/0 zeus, can't find much else (or I'm lazy)


                                                    G: Nice winrate
                                                    B: low GPM and lh/min on AM even though you won all 3 games




                                                        G : Looks god
                                                        B : ES spammer

                                                        Crimson Rain

                                                          G: You seem to be a pretty sacrificial support. It's nice to see that there are some playing in normal bracket. The fact you actually play supports mostly is nice too.

                                                          B: Your item choices are mostly good, though I do recommend items such as force and/or glimmer cape on lion before an aghs. Also Dagon on Nyx is situational at best, he has a lot more utility than a Dagon. Suggest only buying that when you are considerably far ahead and can get one pre 20 minutes along with arcane boots and a blink.


                                                            G: You've recently had some pretty dank KDA's.

                                                            B: Work on your Earth Spirit :( . And you need to get some variety in your hero pool.


                                                              G: I rarely saw someone that play abaddon so much im impresed
                                                              B: Im just a normal skill scrub but i think ur last shadow demon game went quite awfull


                                                                G : such versatile player
                                                                B : you should try search ur signature hero now. Mine is abaddon btw :)

                                                                Free 2 Play Scootz

                                                                  G: Great win rate and KDA
                                                                  B: No vhs games and very few high skill

                                                                  Player 175043649

                                                                    G: thats a nice winrate man,and good kda for most played. also + for timbersaw
                                                                    B: LC and NP, how do you lose a lot with those 2 hero? it's easy win if you play them right, other than that idk what else

                                                                    Fee Too Pee

                                                                      G : am , timbersaw ,
                                                                      B : bad bad winrates wih offlaner or carries

                                                                      ghetto superstar

                                                                        + Decent winrates, support player
                                                                        - Huskar most played hero


                                                                          G: Really nice winrates on your most played heroes, and a really nice winrate overall actually.
                                                                          B: Show some love to le Dazzle


                                                                            G : overall winrate on many heroes good
                                                                            B : man, get a life!

                                                                            Fee Too Pee

                                                                              G : high winrates
                                                                              B : most played hero is ez pub heroes


                                                                                G: Great Huskar player. Thats rare.
                                                                                B: cant play Lion


                                                                                  g: 230 matches this month what on earth
                                                                                  b: can't win on dire side, new smurf


                                                                                    G: Nice winning streak
                                                                                    B: tp scrolls

                                                                                    queen's speech

                                                                                      G: lel, nice profile avatar
                                                                                      B: smurf with bad stats,
                                                                                      high skill bracket, prob not a newbie


                                                                                        G:47 kills in 22 min kappa..
                                                                                        B:Most hero healing with wk .. Play some support dude..


                                                                                          G: Good carry to have in your team.
                                                                                          B: LC spammer :1

                                                                                          Pootie Tang

                                                                                            G: Plays a lot of Heros including a lot of Supports
                                                                                            B: Lion win rate.

                                                                                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                              + Venga, Tide

                                                                                              - Lion, Lina


                                                                                                G: Not a russian
                                                                                                B: Invoker 116+ Matches & still 48% winning rate lol


                                                                                                  G: Good Winrate withyour most played heros
                                                                                                  B: Rubick stands out, practice more!