General Discussion

General DiscussionDota 2 MMR updated

Dota 2 MMR updated in General Discussion

    got down on my knees and prayed to jesus that my next game would be normal queue instead of solo


      id pray to cthulu if i were u, he actually listens

      Woof Woof

        next wave of lies from valve employees

        Valve invested a lot of time and money in DOTA 2. Will it be another profitable product of Valve?

        To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff, because if you think much about the money, it's not so good for players. Our goal is to bring a pretty cool game to players and always know what we do well and what we do badly. We do not hurry to make money.


          Stop solo queing. and stop qqing



            "To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,"
            "To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,"
            "To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,""To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,"
            "To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,"
            "To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,"
            "To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,"

            every bug in the dota 2 store was resolved in FUCKING MINUTES meanwhile there are over 1000 bugs to the gameplay

            "To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,""To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,""To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,""To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,""To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,""To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,""To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,""To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,""To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,""To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,""To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,""To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,""To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,""To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,""To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,""To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,""To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,""To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,""To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,""To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,""To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,""To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,""To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,""To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,""To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,""To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,""To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,""To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,""To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,""To our developer team, we won't think much about the profit stuff,"


              oh i forgot, compedium is worth $10 in the store but only $2.5 goes to the prize pool but $7.5 goes to valve right?

              we care about player guys plz fuck your mother valve

              Sōu ka

                ? you do know that they make money with hats and the devs working on the actual game don't have anything to with that right?


                  you made no sense but then again you're a valvedrone, facts and intelligent thoughts do not apply to your kind

                  Sōu ka

                    your're a fucking retard saying something that would make sense to you is impossible


                      k valvedrone

                      Woof Woof

                        face like retarded thief dunno how someone with his looks got hired at valve

                        Woof Woof

                          and like always most important question regarding serious stuff werent asked ie. ladder/visible rating/mute system and match maker

                          nothing as good as interviewer that tries to suck dick of a company man

                          Woof Woof

                            i am glad we at least haVE place to discuss bs/lies like that without any restrictions while on joindota this kind of threads would be removed and op would end up banned

                            capitalist pigs

                            let's feed

                              again the same conversation.... how the *uck the number of wins has to do with skill, you can have 1300 and loose to someone with 300 wins.

                              PS. Now the new trend is to check the hours played :P (not kidding)


                                i would love to see on dotabuff the total kill lifetime
                                1,000 kill
                                2,000 kill
                                3,000 kill



                                  I have far better win-rate than you and my wins are almost 400 now. But still, I get team mates with 1 or 2 wins. I'm still at normal/low MM. I can't complain because I know that my skill is just right there.

                                  I still encounter players at my normal/low MM that are far better than me, and until I can carry my team to win over the other team with better composition, I'm not gonna complain.

                                  Btw, I solo queue 99.99% of the time.


                                    You guys have such low KDA, LOL

                                    let's feed

                                      i know the item just for you is called dagon this will boost you kda considerably

                                      its from another game substitute codex - > dagon and you are set :P


                                        My point is, even though I should be matched with players just as bad as me, I honestly don't get why I'm in a team with 3 people less than 5 wins. Does new mean bad?

                                        (Also, my winrate on dotabuff is worse than my actual winrate. I tend to be in/finish more games with early abandonment in my team, since my extra losses on dotabuff is like 3 times my extra wins. Regardless, even with that difference I'm still below 50% winrate so yes, I do suck.)

                                        Basically, are new people matched with bad but experienced people, or was that an anomaly? If new people are actually matched with bad but experienced people, I don't agree with the system, but I guess I can't do anything about it.

                                        P.S. my bad winrate is half caused by my idiotic dagon rubick build so noooooo.


                                          Dagon boost kda ? lol it might help if you got something like kda < 2
                                          And ks ? I never ks on purpose

                                          Seriously think about how NOT to feed even in dire situations. So good carries can still carry you to win.



                                            Hmm, right. I tend to always be the one to tp to the tower when they're 4-man pushing and get killed without doing anything.

                                            Well, in general I just die a lot mid game. In laning I don't usually die unless getting kills but once people stop laning everyone just picks me off when I'm warding or pushing or whatever. Should try to stop that. I also never get much kills and always get a bunch of assists. Maybe it's because everyone tries to ks. Last PA game Beastmaster wasted his ult on a stifled minimal health enemy when I was right next to him to get the kill. Also Lion not using finger of death early on nyx but waited until he was low health; and then he had carapace on and wasted it.

                                            Blah blah blah off topic whining about me being bad blah blah.


                                              TP scrolls are mostly used for feeding. If you are not already an experienced Very High skill player in a game with at least 2 more experienced Very High skilll almost never going to help to port to a tower.

                                              I know every guide demands that you have tp at all times...but really new players should just not get them. Mediocre players should not get them. If you get a tp you will just be tempted to use it, and trying to use it is sure to put you in a bad position either because you didn't retreat soon enough thinking "I'll use my tp to escape." or add an extra death because you thought "I'll tp in and help that guy who is dieing" or wastes your time and possibly get you killed porting into a tower that can't be defended.

                                              Nearly all tp errors are because, by the time you thought of using the tp it was already 2 or 3 seconds too late to do it. By the time you realized they were diving a tower to kill your friend, it was too late to stop them. By the time your team realizes the tower is being pushed it is too low to defend and they are too far away. By the time you realize you are being ganked you are within 3 seconds of being stunned and tp scroll will fail.

                                              But if anyone thinks they are good enough to use tp scrolls...First, watch your 5 most recent replays. Count up the number of times you successfully used a tp scroll to escape, or stop a push, or save a teammate. Now consider the times you failed to use the tp in time. Now consider the impact of the items you might have carried in that slot instead during the massive chunks of game time (often the majority of the game) when your tp scroll did nothing at all. Could a bracer have saved you from dieing? Could obs or sentry ward vision have set up a critical teamfight win? Could carrying dust have made that gank work instead of you standing there embarrassed? Could a smoke have made that initiation succeed leading to taking a major objective? What if you had a salve and healed up your carry after that fight so you could take the tower safely?...but no instead you were carrying that useless tp scroll for 20 min doing nothing with it.

                                              If you want to get good at using tp scrolls of course you have to practice and are going to fail at it plenty before you are good. So when should you use a tp scroll?

                                              To avoid ganks it is not smart to try to juke into trees and port. This sometimes works and might make you feel clever. But even in pro games it usually fails and when it does you not only died, but you lost an extra 135 gold and the tp cd so you can't port back in. Bad players might fail to stun you in time...but you could also have just backed up 3 seconds sooner, saved the gold and the tp cd. If you are juking into trees to port out of a gank it is because you already failed at map awareness and now have to make a risky, stupid play to escape. Do not use tp scrolls to avoid ganks, use map awareness. Leave before using tp is required.

                                              Porting into a tower to defend it requires 3 things. First, you need to know that the enemy cannot dive the tower and kill you. If you don't know where they are...then you don't know this. 2nd you need to be able to pull aggro off the tower without it setting up a situation where the enemy can dive and kill you...some heroes have very nice skills for this. Some do not. If you don't have a long range skill that can quickly kill a creep wave, then you are not the one who should be porting into a tower to defend it. Porting as a carry to farm is not the same thing, you need to know the difference. If there is a big wave, but no heroes near it the carry should be farming that. If you go, just go to protect him. If he doesn't need protection to farm it don't go at all.

                                              If you are a carry tping to farm go before the wave hits the tower. If you wait for the wave to hit the tower it will start pushing back out and you will miss more cs. If you want to farm, hold the wave just outside tower range.

                                              If you are porting in to counter a gank do it before the gank happens. If you are porting and they already are stunning the guy its almost certainly too late. Maybe you can scare them off with a tp, but maybe they have another hero about to arrive and you will just add a death. If you did not see the gank coming and port in before it started then you failed map awareness and don't know where they are right now. Counter ganks work when you can attack the same second that they initiate...not 3 or 4 seconds later. Of course someone could execute badly, the guy they are diving could pull off some great move and give you an extra 3 seconds for the tp duration...but that's just luck. You already screwed up by not being there when the attack started.

                                              The most important use of tp is late game to return to base to stop a push. Late in the game its often required that you get some farm, or push out the opposite lane, or finish rosh, or pick off someone such that tp is the only way to get back in time. This is when everyone probably needs a tp scroll/or BoT.

                                              Decide before the moment to do it happens if you can win a base race. If you can win it, do enough dmg to their rax to ensure the kill...then have your best delaying hero port back first, safely, far behind the T3 tower...maybe to a T4 tower. Don't port to a building someone else is already using that just takes longer. There are plenty of buildings, just pick a different one. If you can't win the base race, port back before they start doing dmg to your tower. If you don't have a Tree, the tower can't heal.




                                                  Yes, tp scrolls are an advanced item that even moderately experienced players use to feed more than anything else. The trouble with tp scrolls, the reason they are different than other active items is that misusing them slightly is often disastrous.

                                                  There are a few items that misusing them can really hurt you or your team. Tp scrolls is the only one that really is easy to get and so very often used to make things worse. Other examples would be Divine rapier, Bloodstone, Fstaff,... to a lesser extent Mask of Madness and Medallion of courage also tend to kill bad players who try to use them.

                                                  But the margin for error on tp scrolls is very small. Many people who rely on them tend to think it makes them pro...but really it is just their way of trying to hide the fact that their map awareness is crap and they then try to correct their terrible positioning too late by using the tp scroll. This often results in them porting in late or out late or out early etc...they then blame their stupid nub team for whatever...never knowing that the problem really was they failed their tp timing by 2 seconds, and certainly never understanding what a huge difference those 2 seconds made.

                                                  Again, if anyone thinks they might be good enough to use tp scrolls watch your replays and see if the item actually helped you...was it worth your item slot? Usually it becomes worthwhile to have a tp scroll if you have a T3 tower exposed. So a general rule of thumb, when a T2 tower dies, then start buying tp scrolls.

                                                  My last game I used a tp scroll as Luna one time to port in as troll and NS were diving to kill invoker. I saw this would happen about 10 seconds before it did from NS moving past a ward at the river. I went to the secret shop and bought the tp scroll. I got a double kill and we both almost died. If I had not had my ult up it would have been impossible. If I had not juked into the trees correctly when they tried to burst me down it would have been impossible. If mirrana had not also ulted at the last second we still might have lost. If I had teleported 2 seconds later my ult would have hit creeps and we die. The only other uses of tp were to farm pushed lanes. I had tp in inventory for maybe half the game when there was no opportunity to use it correctly.

                                                  I use tp scrolls. Its often very important. But I don't recommend inexperienced players using them. If you don't have a coordinated team the opportunities to use them correctly are very rare. Just get them mid to late game when T3 towers are exposed.


                                                    What about keeping it in your inventory for cases after a skirmish when you need to go back to base to heal? Doesn't it speed it up and therefore give you time to farm it back and gain experience at the same time? Or is the cooldown better left to in case you need to be somewhere on the map?


                                                      AFAIK u cant buy tp scrolls in secrt shop


                                                        i think he mean side shop


                                                          Yes, failure of terminology. Tp scrolls are at the side shop.

                                                          If used properly porting back to heal or porting out to gain more xp/gold can be a good idea. However, if someone else is already in the lane taking the xp its not worth it. If you can't get all 4 creep lasthits in the wave the gold is not worth it. At 280 ms (slowest in game) to walk from spawn point to the typical starting creep line takes 45 sec for safelane, 40 sec for offlane, 30 sec for mid. If you are very fast, say Luna with treads (385 ms) its takes 23 sec to mid, 29 sec to offlane, 32 sec to safelane. Basically you get there 1 wave sooner at most if you tp to a lane.

                                                          Getting back to the lane fast is important if something important is going to happen in the next creep wave. If the next creep wave will just be a tiny bit of xp shared with your lane partner and probably missing some lasthits...then there is no reason to port. If you think they are about to dive the tower and kill your lane partner, then port back.

                                                          Having a tp in inventory is good if you are likely to use it to do something save a tower, counter gank, gank, get a tower deny....gaining back the tp gold and get 1 wave of xp is not reason enough to use a tp scroll or have one. Instead of the tp scroll get an extra salve. When you get low, duck into trees and salve up and stay in the lane. Or when your lane partner gets low, have them back up and heal...this is far more useful than tp to base.

                                                          Salves are far easier to use correctly, far more likely to be useful, and cost less. If you try always leaving the base with a salve instead of a tp scroll for the first 15-20 min of every game you will be very happy.


                                                            im sorry but all your credibility went down the drain @Relentless. a tp costs fucking 135 gold and is one of the most useful items in the game.


                                                              lol what he is trying to say is how to use it correctly, so what he means is noobs should not use them to feed lol


                                                                Some people don't want to understand, but the vast majority will get it.


                                                                  Everyone knows how to TP at vhigh. Get to vhigh.


                                                                    Dude, how deep did you have to dig in order to find this thread?