i think this site makes people qq more than it helps them, the fact that people see their stats and their w/l % puts a perspective that dota mmr system is broken. honestly ppl say hon and lol systems are better but they arent. there are bad ppl in every game and good people as well. sometimes you get matched with good people and sometimes you dont. if you wan.na play with good ppl more often, then try and add them, after dota is a team game
i think this site makes people qq more than it helps them, the fact that people see their stats and their w/l % puts a perspective that dota mmr system is broken. honestly ppl say hon and lol systems are better but they arent. there are bad ppl in every game and good people as well. sometimes you get matched with good people and sometimes you dont. if you wan.na play with good ppl more often, then try and add them, after dota is a team game