General Discussion


Josh  :D

    NP wanted to push like a beast and his evil fraternal twin Brood thought she'd do the same thing. With my four bfs I actually hit her harder if all I did was hit the spider and I could clear a complete wave in a single hit (well, could have done that with two, but can you really put a price on being able to hit someone harder by hitting something near them?)

    909 gpm

    Ugly friggin match.

    King of Low Prio

      Normal (96%)

      knew before I even looked

      Josh  :D

        Yes, I'm a noob, scrub, blah blah blah.

        Hitting treants, spiderlings, and creeps and clearning an entire wave of each with a single hit is still pretty fun :)

        Josh  :D

          Nice 33% win rate with blunt, I'd think you two superstars would rock it out. Maybe that's why you haven't played in 9 days?

          More importantly, no reason to be hating, just an amusing match, that's all.

          King of Low Prio

            you play in the normal bracket I play in very high, you cant compare our stats


              us server..

              Ples Mercy

                @ Sampson:
                As you can see, hes a scrub who doesnt know hwoto play. Almost 2,4k matches yet still 2 retarded to play the game properly. Also he cried alot and was so sad bcause i was such a mean bully :'D

                @Josh ツ:
                btw hows it going scrubface. Didnt see you in a while, are you done sitting in your corner and crying? Please tell us how the spiderlings could die in a single hit! PLEASE WE WANNA KNOW HOW YOU DID THAT SKILLED FARM.

                Josh  :D

                  Everything here has to be a pissing match, doesn't it? How dare someone just share something interesting.

                  NP kept pushing like a mad man so I got BoT and a BF and then just got a ton of farm. Between him and BM I just kept going between lanes racking up tons of XP and gold. Nothing horribly skilled about that, but was still an interesting match.

                  Again, just something interesting, not saying I'm a pro, just a funny match.


                    the question is how it took you so long to finish that game

                    Josh  :D

                      It took that long to finish because they wouldn't stop pushing. Also had some players even more inexperienced than myself (if you can imagine it) so they weren't as effective. The WR and I were the most experienced folks playing, that combined with a non-stop split push made it take some time.


                        Neat video Josh, don't let the douchebaggery of failass epeen trolls get you down, they have to get their jollies somewhere.

                        King of Low Prio

                          the match might have gone on forever because of you building retarded items maybe


                            you won match,


                            now where is that interesting part ?

                            Woof Woof

                              4bfs is legit way to battle cancer


                                I like the fact Josh wanted to share. Give him a break. Have you been hurt by this thread? No. So shut up.

                                4 battle furys is a bit unusual you have to admit.

                                Keep on truckin Josh. Haterz goinna hate etc.


                                  well i have 80% winrate on bh =DD
                                  beat DAT.

                                  waku waku

                                    why not rapier


                                      now here is an interesting one. Match ID 205366790. bfury is OP item. that's why i got three on gyro. yeah buddy they do stack if your wondering.


                                          Your profile picture perfectly matches to that game.

                                          Clinkz Eastwood

                                            @Sampson Wow, you play in the Very high bracket with 345 wins? Your parents must be proud of you!
