General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do people sometimes all play like crap?

Why do people sometimes all play like crap? in General Discussion

    I won this game so easily I was barely paying attention. Final score 42-2, with no fountain farming...could have been 42-0 if ppl had not gotten careless after a while. I fully expected to find a failure of match making where the other team had a bunch of nubs...but instead they had

    Ursa 52.16% win 900+ games goes roshan once while team died in another lane...promptly fed anyway 30 sec later.
    Lich 51.62% win 900+ games...2-3-0 lucky lich ult bounces their only kills, lich mostly hid all game, maybe he was the thrower
    Viper 52.97% win 2,000+ games...0-11-0 has anyone ever got a score this bad on viper?
    TA stats off...but played probably the best of them all...still not good...0-11-0
    Omni 51.42% win 700+ games....0-10-0 his positioning and timing of spells was so bad somehow he has 60% win on Omni????

    Our team was pretty good too, but not much different in stats. I played support Naga so both teams had a balanced composition. But the enemy just failed at everything they did. Their positioning was awful. They were constantly late to help and could not focus a target. They didn't control the map at all although I saw wards being placed...just badly.


    Maybe someone on their team was throwing. Sunday we always get these people who escape from LPQ and immediately go out to ruin as many games as they can before being locked back in their cell. I had several throwers on my team today.

    Does this happen to you much? Why do teams fall apart like this and seem to forget how to play dota?

    In other news jungle axe is now 4-43 win/loss in my games. Don't jungle with axe.


      Everybody has bad games, and when players begin to snowball, regaining control of the game can be too much.

      Ples Mercy

        maybe they are drunk or something, i have the exact same phenomenon when i solo queue, sometimes you get really decent people and sometimes you wonder if those people are human or monkeys.

        The weird part is, that it happends in every skillrange, normal, high and very high.


          Well, if 2 guys out of those 5 have a bad game and they are represented in their each lane, then it will mean that these 2 lanes will lose. The fact that they lose, will mean u will win (obvious) and u will gain a bigger advantage and just snowball. You know, we even see it in competitive (and u of any have watched many competitive games) that one team just goes ahead 17-2 and then its gg. 42-2 doesnt happen often if the other team has somewhat decent plays, not good but not like int feeding. But still, not impossible if ure playing good and all of them appear to be having a terrible game all at the same time.


            Ursa had 70% win on ursa 19 games...
            Lich had never lost on lich before that game
            Omni 60% win on omniknight
            Viper 34 games of viper 54% win

            Maybe they are friends and were all drunk. I guess IG lost that game to Liquid 42-3 at the G1 LAN Finals.

            The question in my mind is: If what appear to be fairly matched teams can have a game like can you ever be sure that matching is really far off when you have a bad game?


              The game was pretty much over after I killed courier, TA, and 2 guys bottom with haste rune. Public MM players simply cannot make a comeback when their morale has gone down the drain.


                if u look at the KDA of the other team for their top 7 heroes, its mostly under 3, whereas for your team it is above 3.

                i always look at KDA to determine skilled players, winrate doesnt tell the full story.

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

         CUMBACK. Also yeah everyone have bad games. I sometimes suck so terribly hard


                    People usually don't play at their maximum level. Maybe because they are stressed and in a losing streak, or hadn't eaten lunch, or lag probably.
                    I know that I create a lot of mistakes after playing 5 continuous games of dota nonstop without taking a break. Dota requires a lot of brain function that it is too exhausting sometimes and you end up feeding cause you are too tired to watch map and shit.
                    or they DRUNK


                      holy shit 42-2 lol

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        I had a 3-28 game as well. It was just terrible performance from all team. But the sad part is everyone just blame each other, knowing the fact that they sucked as well.


                          i think it has to do with the absence of the evidence in the matchmaking but in this case it's not the absence of the evidence so in a nutshell there are unknown things known to every dota player but at the same unknown that only valve knows about but in reality its just the absence of evidence which in most cases, is not the absence of the evidence. theoretically speaking, if you want to prove the negativity in valves mmr, you cant.

                          this is what happens when you don't include wins per factor but rather how they performed in their last game so the absence of the evidence kicks in while it doesn't


                            when im high as fuck i sometimes do similar, but not THAT bad lmao


                              Ok, lets look at the average KDAs. Everyone had plenty of games on the hero they used. (don't know TA or Mirrana, stats off)
                              Compare to Dotabuff averages for Platinum...

                              Ursa 3.62 ...Platinum 2.76
                              Lich 3.46 ...Platinum 2.40
                              Viper 2.73 ...Platinum 3.04
                              Omni 1.16 ...Platinum 1.67

                              Luna 2.76 ...Platinum 2.77
                              Clock 5.02 ...Platinum 2.78
                              Naga 4.63 ...Platinum 2.51
                              Invoker 11.02 ...Platinum 2.89

                              Ok, now the game does look unfair.
                              So maybe those KDAs do show a better picture than the overall winrates. Our team played heroes where we are significantly better than our average rating (ie MMR) while theirs played heroes close to their average or below it. Plus Grimorum actually was active this game instead of afk jungling until level 11. Maybe that counts more than anything.

                              Woof Woof

                                because forced 50%wr with proper match maker they would be at 30%wr


                                  I sometimes play at a level I would call, 'only just above massively retarded', but then there are those times when it's 3 am and I'm on my second bottle of wine where my level of play drops down to, 'OMGWTFWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHY!!!!'.


                                    cuz one simply does not give a fuck in pub games


                                      Relentless, how did you get avg KDA for platinum users? How about the average Diamond level KDA?


                                        I usually dodge the games I have axe in, especially when it's insta picked and claiming the safe-lane farm. QQ.

                                        dookie daddy

                                          Axe gets a lot of hate because I feel people play him wrong or farm to long with him in the jungle without any thought to lane help or team importance.

                                          waku waku

                                            i like axe ;w;


                                              // cuz one simply does not give a fuck in pub games [2]

                                              nice throw, happens sometimes
                                              but not sure why they keep dying, I would afk fountain from 2 - ~25

                                              Melis Ayça Şirinevler*

                                                really no one cares about pub. i throw half of my games too.

                                                Jon Snow

                                                  lol turkey changed name again/
                                                  go sf vs sf


                                                    Diamond is not much different, its all on DotabuffPlus. Drop down menues are used to filter the data.

                                                    For instance, KDA for Invoker this month is...

                                                    Bronze 2.65 ...31,313 games
                                                    Silver 2.76 ...217,649 games
                                                    Gold 2.85 ...341,009 games
                                                    Platinum 2.89 ...282,165 games
                                                    Diamond 2.90 ...14,559 games


                                                      85-8 in what was supposed to be a 50/50 match - huh?



                                                        N'aix, stop posting shits on this forum.

                                                        Melis Ayça Şirinevler*

                                                          @evil cant play this week sorry


                                                            That is crazy. I was expecting a huge gap between the KDAs of bronze and diamond.


                                                              u can make kills easier in bronze becouse everyone is scrub not dodging sunstrikes /etc

                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                Well, people can't play Invo even in Diamond. It just needs a special interest and time to get to play that hero "decently". Needs at least 100 games.


                                                                  More than 100 games, or i'm just slower than other people lol :D, anyway I don't think i'm wet "decent"



                                                                    Nothing weird, MM is shit.

                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                      I said at least. But at least you now should have an idea how to play the hero and utilize your skill and item builds.

                                                                      show me your dick

                                                                        From TL interview with lgd. god
                                                                        M : Do you miss Ladder point (Rankings) in Dota 2?
                                                                        G : Have some kind of Ladder would be cool in my opinion. If it was added right now, I would probably get on it seriously, and I think there are other professional players that think the same. We'd tryhard against each other and aim for the highest ranking. Right now, the matchmaking system is weird. I sometimes get matched into good games, and sometimes there is a feeling that I am playing a pub game in Russia at 6 am against some boys that are skipping school.

                                                                        le charismeur

                                                                          when i solo queue literally everyone in my game is the wrost player ever and its so incredibly easy to win

                                                                          source: ive recently discvoered solo queueing recently


                                                                            it's interesting how KDAs don't change at all from bronze to diamond... actually I think they probably drop on low skill heroes such as Drow Ranger and get higher on heroes such as Invoker, Tinker, Chen... can anyone confirm this?

                                                                            Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                              It does grow, but dont forget, average KDA would be +- the same, because if one team stomps the other one, one team will have shitty KDA while other one will have a good one. In higher level games you die less, but you also kill less (well of course depends from game to game, but its harder to just go bawlin' around the map).


                                                                                @The Terrible you're not wrong but remember that some heroes have a big difference in win rate depending on skill bracket, for example I'm sure Tinker's terrible winrate comes from low level games where people don't know how to use him properly. Same thing with AM, Invoker, Alchemist. All these heroes are so strong and yet they have bad winrate.


                                                                                  Meepo's terrible winrate% comes from me :D


                                                                                    KDA's tend to be bit higher for the higher level games because those people win more....just slightly more. Remember anyone over about 52% winrate long term is either in Diamond or just barely short of it. Similarly long term, anyone below 48% winrate is Bronze or the very bottom of Silver.

                                                                                    Even Diamond and Bronze are averages of tens of thousands of games...these numbers show the strength of a hero compared to the whole pub meta game. But they are also good for comparing a player's performance to the average. After maybe 10+ games you will be able to see which heroes someone really knows how to play and which ones they don't.

                                                                                    Getting a 3 KDA in a Diamond level game is so much harder than in a Bronze game. If a Diamond level player were playing in Bronze games you could basically double their average KDAs. But that doesn't happen, despite all the complaints about matching good players actually never face real nubs....never. Diamond players get the best Gold level ppl in their games sometimes...those are the "horrible nub feeders" people are complaining about...its top Gold level who get matched into Diamond games.

                                                                                    There are also Silver level players who post complaining that "everyone in their games is shit". Then they get flamed because its obvious they belong at that level.
                                                                                    Heroes that have a very high skill cap just can't be played at the lower levels. That is why Brood, Chen, Wisp, and Meepo have bad records overall. Only a tiny handful of the very best players can use these heroes correctly, most Diamond level players still fail at them...but the best have several hundred games and high KDAs.

                                                                                    Brood KDAs
                                                                                    Bronze 1.70
                                                                                    Silver 1.66 (ppl start learning to pick aoe here)
                                                                                    Gold 1.65
                                                                                    Platinum 1.65
                                                                                    Diamond 1.75 (experts raising the average)

                                                                                    Chen KDAs
                                                                                    Bronze 1.69
                                                                                    Silver 1.82
                                                                                    Gold 1.91
                                                                                    Platinum 2.05
                                                                                    Diamond 2.21 (experts raising the average)

                                                                                    Wisp KDAs
                                                                                    Bronze 1.69
                                                                                    Silver 1.79
                                                                                    Gold 1.91
                                                                                    Platinum 2.07
                                                                                    Diamond 2.35 (experts raising the average)

                                                                                    Meepo KDAs
                                                                                    Bronze 1.79
                                                                                    Silver 1.75 (learning to pick aoe)
                                                                                    Gold 1.68
                                                                                    Platinum 1.65
                                                                                    Diamond 1.85 (experts raising the average)

                                                                                    Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                                      People can't win more, average winrate will always be 50%. If someone won in Diamond then someone lost in Diamond. KDA doesn't even matter that much. When I play with team, I tend to have good KDA because we all know what to do, but in pubs- you could be saving someones ass just to be killed later without help.
                                                                                      And yeah, most people flaming other people are pretty bad, normal bracket is full of those people.

                                                                                      Its funny, stats for brood have very little change from one bracket to the other, with barely some progress in higher game(which is expected for most heroes). Just shows that brood is not very good in this version.


                                                                                        Brood just has a very high skill cap. If you can't micro the spiders to farm the jungle and do surrounds and such brood is easy to defeat...just pick a few heroes with low cd aoe and spiders are extra gold and xp. But if you ever do face an expert Brood you will see the hero is not weak...its just way to hard to play up to its true potential.

                                                                                        Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                                          If that were so we would see brood more often picked in tournaments. Problem with brood is that you have to build whole team around her, so its a) Hard to pull off b) Fairly easy to counter-pick. Because of those 2 reasons brood is pretty much subpar as a pusher (Chen does that almost as good, while having heal and free TP, as does enchantress, that actually can do good damage), and as a carry (She is not a good carry unfortunately. She has the potential, but there are so many other heroes better than her).


                                                                                            Brood is unpopular right now and that is all. OD is popular right now and that is all. Brood is actually a far stronger pick for a pro game than OD. OD picked a ton at TI3...lost 70% of games. OD is terrible...but popular.

                                                                                            Pros can only prepare a limited number of strats. If their micro expert is working with Chen and Enchantress all the time and has not practiced Brood in 6 months they are not ready to use spiders at the tournament....that has nothing to do with Brood being weak. There were no changes to Brood since she was last crushing games at TI2. Spiders just became unpopular.

                                                                                            Nightstalker is still an excellent solo mid...but only 1 pick at TI3 in the Grand Finals and NS kicked butt as usual. Nevertheless no one is picking NS.

                                                                                            Reality is that Brood is hard to counter pick....the only heroes that can really solo against an expert brood are batrider and sandking....what those are banned? Well now you have to spend two heroes stopping brood all game long.

                                                                                            Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                                              Her spiderlings give A LOT of xp/gold, that was the change (I don't remember when they did it). Yes, OD is not that good-but exactly for the same reason- its easy to counter him. Pick razor/lone druid/kunnka/sniper and OD is not having fun time. Same thing with brood- is she a good hero? No doubt. But lots of picks right now have AOE, so only chance right now to use brood would be to sneak her in in a very particular set up agaisnt a very special set of enemies (I.e they have little anti push). And thats the problem-in the current meta hero is weak, no matter how good your micro is, you are going to feed some of the spiderlings, and you have to outpick the other team more heavially. Its just a lot of risk to use, as compared to chen, who is very reliable in the right hands and give almost same benefit (Apart from dealing damage, but even then his nuke is ok).


                                                                                                No OD sucks. OD can get a "win" mid against many common solo mids in the very weak sense of getting more cs. After that OD has a terrible initiation skill, a crappy aura, a weak ultimate, no low cd aoe, no escape, and pathetic dps against enemy carries and towers...the very things your "carry" is supposed to hit.

                                                                                                You clearly have never had to lane against an expert brood player with one of the "aoe" heroes you think can magically kill spiders and get that sweet sweet gold and xp....if you think that is easy...or even possible you have never tried to do it against an expert micro player. If you are not Batrider or Sandking brood can dive your tower solo and kill you at will, no other heroes can clear spiders fast enough to survive.

                                                                                                Bad Intentions

                                                                                                  US servers..

                                                                                                  Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                                                    Naw, I never laned agaisnt a good brood becasue that would be suicide- for brood. Unless its shitties uncoordinated pub I don't see scenario where brood will be able to do much. Batrider and Sandking? You obviously never heard about KOTL, dark seer, luna (needs some items), lina, tinker, razor, bristleback, timbersaw, dargon knight, jakiro, earthshaker( good for his ulti), there are probably a few others. All of those heroes can easily kill broods spiders, some of them not as early as others but still. Anti-mage with battlefury, or even juggernaut can kill entire army of spiders quick. Sure, you might save some, its still money and xp for them.
                                                                                                    IDK why u think that only 2 heroes can kill spiderlings fast.


                                                                                                      No, they can't. The fact that you think they can proves you have never played against an expert brood player.

                                                                                                      Dark Seer can survive for a while if he is careful and pooled extra regen...none of those other heroes have any chance of solo laning against an expert brood. They will die and lose the tower by time brood is level 5...nvm that they will lose cs by a huge margin.

                                                                                                      I don't care that nearly all pubs, even in Diamond can't play brood worth crap. I don't care that you have never seen it...the hero can crush nearly any other hero solo. Brood requires multiple heroes to hold a lane against her at the pro level and that is why, when Brood was popular, most teams just banned it. Even when you do devote multiple heroes to a brood lane, the spiders can still scout and farm the jungle.

                                                                                                      Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                                                        Ahh, so your talking about solo 1x1 lane. Good trilane will rape brood, potentially from lvl 1. Heck, you can just put axe agaisnt her, double shield and pull some healing.
                                                                                                        But yeah, solo she is pretty good- unfortunately I can hardly imagine other team letting her solo (Thats the thing I was talking about- you will have to build a team around broodmother-you will have to dominate other lanes). Even though the hero is not bad, the fact that you have to build your team heavily on it just allows for counter picking and appropriate measure. Dota isnt about 1x1, its about hero composition and how those heroes are laning. Is brood a good scary hero? Yes. Does she fits current meta? No. Its about simple as that.