General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed opinion about this...

Need opinion about this... in General Discussion

    LENOVO B590 59-374022
    RAM 4GB, HDD 500GB,
    DVD±RW DL,

    Really cheap laptop. I have currently PC that is 7.5 years old. Dota became unplayeble on it..

    I dont want to spend some crazy amount of money. I just need laptop to surf and play dota. And by that, I dont expect some skyrocket performance. Just something medium.
    Can I get that with this?

    dookie daddy


      Also with that machine you are looking at 30-40 FPS with all low with maybe about 20-35 peak on medium and probably unplayable on high.

      I would go with something even with a low-end graphics card and I personally would really avoid celeron processors where I could.

      Try it has good reviews and has quite powerful specs for a budget laptop.


        Price was 550$ and it was lowered to 330$ (it is ofc different valute in my country) so..

        I think it is oke, right? I check those dota 2 requirements on some page and it was also in the middle. And yeah, win8, that cant be bad either.

        If u want something funny
        Amd athlon 64 3000+ 1.8 ghz
        nvidia geforce 8400gs
        1 gb ram, 120 gb hd
        my current comp

        So I should be oke with this thing?

        Pandamonium(You Died)

          ^In the first choice, idk about video card. Its standart built in card, and it will probably run dota, but on shitty settings.
          If I were you id just upgrade ram of ur PC. Buy 3 gigs of ram (very cheap) and dota should run on ur computer just fine.
          If u just want a new laptop, pay additional 50 bucks to install low-end graphics card into the laptop from first post. That will make it work most definitely, at least on medium (probably high) settings.

          dookie daddy

            Well a lot of hardware plateau's but what you have there is lacking a lot of newer technology that helps improve game performance.

            If you can stretch your budget you can get something like this " ASUS X54HY SX082V "

            Honestly, if you are happy with that one then the game should perform ok and IBM do make very good laptops but I feel that given more searching you should be able to find something better for your money.

            dookie daddy

              Sorry at work so can't look for long but have check through the list and see if you there are any there around $350-400



                Upgrading old computer is pointless. It is problem in processor. It loads dota so slow. So many problems with cpu usage. I dont even want to talk how many stupid abbandons were because of this computer (around 32 from 35) cause I cant all-tab from dota. If I all-tab, I cant go back in game, then i need to rr game and reloading dota is believe it or not 5-6 minutes. So funny..

                Aaand, if I want to buy a new processor I need to change main board. It is just too expensive and it is just investing in something that is really really old...


                  ^ sounds like a Ram issue

                  dookie daddy

                    Its not just a ram issue it is the unit on the whole, it is just...old and hey nothing runs forever, especially not technology.

                    I wouldn't upgrade that laptop as the parts would be old and potentially expensive. Also you run the risk of "bottlenecking" your system and having any new components put in there go to complete waste.


                      You should decide if you -need- a laptop or not. Always remember that dollar for dollar, a laptop will never give you as much power as a desktop since things like heat and power consumption are much larger factors in laptop components, increasing cost.

                      Pandamonium(You Died)

                        As old as that unit is, with 2 or 4 gigs of ram it should run dota. Ur CPU is ok.

                        Pandamonium(You Died)

                          And RAM is like 15$ per gig if not cheaper.


                            eh, I have
                            Core i5-2410M, 4GB DDR3, GT 540M,

                            and I play on everything off, only textures and render maxed
                            40-50 fps
                            so I doubt that INTEL HD will be enough for "medium"


                              I just want to recommend the AMD cpus for their built in gpus.

                              Im currently using an A10 5800K and running Dota 2 with everything on, texture medium and shadow medium, render half way, and it runs super smooth, averaging 40 fps.

                              dookie daddy

                                @Dominare I think it was implied that he will be sticking to a laptop

                                @The Terrible
                                Ram won't cut it as the CPU is about 8-10 years old and you're just prolongin the inevitable. Like he said he wants an upgrade and on the whole it would benefit him a lot more than just putting his current machine on life support.


                                The Intel HD 4000 is actually pretty good is the equivalent to a GT520 so just a slight step down from that so I will run like I said previously at about 25-30 on medium low. I would also not it would depend on what settings you have preference to put higher than others.


                                Pandamonium(You Died)

                                  If he wants just to play dota, that CPU is going to be fine for medium settings at least. If he wants to run crysis 3 extreme yoba edition then obviously not.

                                  Ragnar Volarus

                                    If your game crashes after alt-tabbing change display mode in video settings to borderless window. It should be fine then.

                                    With this new machine you gonna get around 40-50 fps with drops to 25-30 in bigger teamfights. Ofc on low details.
                                    Want more? Find something with better graphics, I recommend comparing graphics here :