General Discussion

General Discussiondat

dat in General Discussion

    step 1: win early game.
    step 2:get 11 minute blink dagger
    step 3:defend your tower
    step 4:waste all your good disables on worthless heroes
    step 5:still win teamfights
    step 6:push
    step 7:get back, because they all respawned before you reached their T3 tower.
    step 8:go back to step 3

    step 9: throw the game by going 1by1.

    Woof Woof

      sounds like roid rage 2me

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        Ofc you guys lose when nobody has a fucking TP. And Radiance Razor aint cant win games.


          QQ MORE

          waku waku

            you can waste all your good disables on me


              Such scrub tier games what the fuck