General Discussion

General Discussion10 Min Free Farm Training

10 Min Free Farm Training in General Discussion

    I'm not going to post the huge list of smurf accounts or the list of all the games you dodged to fake your win rate again; everyone has already seen it.

    one and half gun

      i have 0 abandons and 1 loss, but it's ironic how you dodged games with great pubstomping chris (lol) and kidades the great wisp (lol) while you accuse others of random shit.

      from stream sniping every match to smurfing to dodging to abusing to ???

      plz sit down mr qb > stout


        Your lies about both our records do not matter. I'm sorry your wisp was not the best. It was very good. You practiced it for over a year non-stop. But you do not need to be angry that other people surpassed you. It will make you feel much better as soon as you give up your jealously and be content with your own accomplishments.

        one and half gun

          oh i practiced with a wisp for one year? :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

          1. you talk about jealousy yet you accuse me of shit that holds no ground
          2. who surpassed me? you? :DDDDDDDDDD

          sit down mr qb > stout


            Rentless said what i wanted to say in a nutshell .. . . however i don't think we should be coy about how good of a player we are


              Overusing smileys and repeating insults indicate severe frustration.

              ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

                73/47 with antimage no stats/stat items
                Missed 4 creeps cus I am noob

                I just noticed that this topic is no longer about Last hit shit..

                Sōu ka

                  yeah right I said that you have to stand in your tower and go afk and let them creeps all hit you that exactly what I've said
                  you actually think you sound smart when you give your explanations based in lackluster knowledge
                  every decent carry player would laugh at you for saying this shit
                  "Any game you have a choice to walk out with stout shield or qblade on a melee carry, Qblade is always superior."

                  Sōu ka

                    pretty sure you've missed 5 creeps

                    ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

                      maybe 7, but the ones which I noticed were 4 :/


                        The thread has become so venomous, damn.

                        First of all, i think that cs/10 minutes is really the average for the whole match, not just the FIRST 10 minutes. Just take a look at the deny number. I might be wrong about it though. Everyone should start thinking that he/she might be wrong about some stuff, for the sake of discussion.

                        Secondly- Kami, you are a smurf and you are evading games. Your match history says so. You abuse the system, everyone knows that, you have no respect for others. What amuses me is that probably you are a great player, your personality is just shitty, thats all.

                        Regarding the stout/quelling matter... As i see it- everyone has an opinion of their own. I like taking a stout shield, i like feeling more secure on the lane, i like that when agroing the creeps i have some margin left for mistakes , so that i dont take tons of dmg. In a perfect world you wouldnt need a stout shield. But the situation is often far from perfect, with enemies trying to hurt you, with late pulls, with ranged creeps sometimes almost staying on the lane...

                        And yep, this thread is no longer about the cs training. I would have to agree with Relentless on this- just csing, with noone to disrupt your flow of action and harrass you... I dont think that its that much of a training- well, maybe when uncontested. But thats not the case usually. If you want to train last hitting, i think you might start with bots on harder lvls- they really want to make your life harder. But hey, i might be wrong, im quite new to dota.

                        one and half gun

                          if i smurf i wouldn't be on front page every match and queue with normal player

                          shitters mads

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            Lol why not? You are godly so anything can happen.

                            bum farto

                              @kämi you get constantly game-carried by players way beyond your league and that is the only reason you have been able to stay afloat. Your gaming history is up there and it is painfully obvious you are barely able to keep your head above water with everyone on your team constantly out performing you.

                              You aren't on the front page every match and what your missing is that your current stack aren't normal players but well above the average which you clearly are not. You constant ego blowing is not apparent in your stats because I can hardly see any evidence of a sound player in that regard.


                              Your SF in each game has less denies and last hits then the counterpart mid in most of the games.
                              You never have over 100cs in any of those games except the natures prophet one.
                              End game scores, kills, assists are horrible mediocre compared to counterparts and allies.

                              My guess - You're a smurf account of someone who has played before with average stats so you opted for a way out. As opposed to fixing what was wrong (your gameplay) you then took to abusing the systems to get your stats to a point (My guess is...200 games then stop? Am I right?) where you would feel comfortable shit talking people and calling them inferior against your stats.

                              one and half gun

                                theres a way to get 100 cs in 12 minutes? less than 200 games = abusing now?

                                what the fuck am i reading, go back to watching your cartoons trash, you have below 50% winrate with less than 10 ms ping, you're absolutely garbage at this game and i dont know why i'm responding to an obvious troll like yourself

                                plz uninstall dota

                                btw i couldn't find any of my sf games with less denies than my opponent, why are you and relentless so fucking bad at this? you could always... suicide if you're bad at lying lmao

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  Kami's obvious aggresive behaviour shows that you actually broke his heart pretty hard.

                                  bum farto

                                    Don't get mad and pissy with me cause you get called out for being trash. I have never once claimed to being exceptional at the game but you have and I am simply pointing out that your ego needs a check due to you have to trash smurf/dodge to get anywhere in the game.

                                    Its not the game count that matters its the lack of it where you have dodged a number of games because things haven't gone your way. My winrate doesn't matter much to me as I play with around 10-15 different people on all kinds of different skill levels and the lack of experience and communication resulting in a loss is expected and non-expedient to me. The speed at which I am able to play the game and my connection to the game doesn't negate my game play or that of my allies and party mates.

                                    "mid in most of the games." in most of your mid games you are quite obviously out handled by the mid player with your salvation coming due to the wisp-ursa or the superior gameplay and mobility of your stack. There is a way to get more than 100 cs in 12 minutes but a pro player like you doesn't feel that stacking camps in down time and mowing through it is viable as an advantage handler so what can I say.

                                    I am an average dota2 player with experience but lacking in the flair that makes people exceptional I am so far from garbage. If you're looking for garbage there are examples of this in players like this.

                                    one and half gun

                                      you're fucking trash uninstall the game


                                        Uhm this thread was nice and peaceful until some assholes came here to flame each other............ why cant we just exchange tips and opinions without insulting others? Is that just so hard?


                                          Who is the pinkest person in this thread?


                                            This thread is gold. Last hit more guys.


                                              OK I don't even wanna argue about last hits at 10 anymore because I know for a fact anyone at bronze level do not get that much last hits at 10. This is the average. Do you know how many new players there are???

                                              Now im going to argue about why you never go qb before stout. If you're last hitting under tower, as a melee, you always need to hit the creep once before you hit it again to get the last hit. If you have a qb, it will just fuck everything up and you'll just miss last hits that you shouldn't be. Also, you'll be tanking theircreep wave because if the supports are doing their job, they're getting levels from neutrals and not stealing any xp from the carry. If you don't have a stout shield, every time the creeps hit you, you have no chance to block anything and you will in turn miss out on a lot of farm and will be behind because a. You're dumb and did not get a stout and b. You have no HP to try and sustain the lane no longer.

                                              Sōu ka

                                                that only happens if you don't use relentless' secret creep damage avoid technique that icefrog doesn't want you to know about


                                                  So the quelling blade question to your above post is instead of hitting the creep at least once when under the tower, should the creep be hit 2x instead with a QB? Or maybe just the last hit itself would suffice?


                                                    When I first started playing dota, I use to always go qb first because I felt I couldn't last hit well enough against other heroes. Now I'm much more experience and understand the stacking and pulling elements of the game and understand why you don't get qb first.

                                                    I guess if you're new and in the lower brackets, you could probably get qb first because the opposing player will most likely not harass and pulling will be very rare.