General Discussion

General DiscussionDota's MMR

Dota's MMR in General Discussion
one and half gun

    you're still avoiding my question, how did you come up with the accusation of me watching my opponents livestream and when did i exactly cheat? if you're trying to imply dodging is cheating then god you're wrong, dodging is what players do to self moderate this awful matchmaking.

    and no, i appear on the front page in dota tv from just solo queuing so technically after my first match in dota 2, i haven't been a smurf. you really need to look up these terms before you use it like a buzzword lmao

    but i'll save you the despair of using google: smurf is a new account who faces new and inexperienced players.

    when you call me a smurf, you also call your favorite player zing zing an inexperienced and new player because i faced and bet him fair and square with several spectators watching it on the front page.


      The win rate is about 50% is good. It means your team and your enemy have the same level.


        Dodging is what players do because they can't deal with anything but easy.

        Stream sniping is what people said you were doing at the time...maybe they were wrong. I should not have assumed you could not have won the game with just ursa-wisp. It is a very strong pub strat and you have been practicing it for 6 months at least.

        At this point your account does not work as a smurf...that is why you keep having your friends make new smurfs to bring down your average team MMR and keep the games artificially easy.

        At least 9 new accounts were made to do this...I'm sure I missed some. That is what I am talking about...and you knew it. But you kept trying to evade the issue....forcing me to prove it I guess?

        But you could have done very well playing fair games with no advantage. You are a good dota player. You do not have to do all this extra work coordinating all the smurf accounts. Winning like this is hollow. You really need to break the habit.

        What will you do if Valve decides to make people pay for having multiple accounts? Rage and quit dota? It doesn't have to be this way.


          holy shit shut the fuck up with ur mmr play dota or gtfo why u ppl always have to cry about everything, yes mm sux, no u'r opinion on this wont change anything. case closed


            Doesn't twitch add a delay to the stream so watching a live stream is as useful as speccing in dota tv?

            Yes. For once I am right. Wahoo.

            one and half gun

              i've been practicing with ursa strat for 6 months? i don't need to "practice", this is the first time im doing the ursa strat and it's fucking awful, there are better strats and some russian bydlo trash stack copied what i was doing and they lost 5 times with it.

              so according to you: players like me practice with one strat for 6 months and whenever my kind defeat some trashcan streamer, it's because we stream sniped? where do you get your accusations from lmao

              those 9 accounts share no irrelevance with me because after my first match, i've been on front page and as you can see in my matches, my opponents happen to be well known pubstompers

              Primordial Soup

                @ztgrghqsdf What I meant about this thread is; What can Valve do to prevent newer players from vsing really experienced players. A person who lets say played 1000 games but still in mid brackets, suddenly vses a person who only has 200 wins and in mid brackets and gets absolutely stomped. In order for the 1000 win guy to get to high brackets he needs to win a lot yes, but then he gets matched with a teammate who has a low% win rate because he is stuck in normal brackets meaning that the no matter how good he plays the other guy will miss his hooks.

                one and half gun

                  "What can Valve do to prevent newer players from vsing really experienced players"
                  revert the goddamn mmr patch which took place in june, that's what they should've done.

                  removing the segregation which kept players with 10 wins face others with tremendously absurd amount of wins is what killed mmr in a nutshell, sure it means new players will face obnoxious smurf stacks but who gives a fuck, i don't want to see low win faggots on my main account

                  Primordial Soup

                    I know there's low for really new players but once they get to this thing...( Sorry idk how to explain it) I'll find a way to present it.


                      first of all what valve should do is to delete this site just for the sake of humanity and then put a only beginner system whitout stats-recording where everybody can join, and since there will be no stats recorded the autists who plays for stats wont join the beginner bracket cuz it will be meanless/boring.

                      idk why im still not working for valve.. i mean , look at how genious i am?


                        ^Relentless <<<<Keep in mind that staying in Very High is something most players just can't do. Yes, there are various gimmicks to inflate your MMR. Yes, if you 5 stack every game with good players your will be in higher rated games....but everyone can't be in the top 2-3%.

                        If everyone magically improves their game dramatically and the average dota player becomes as good as the typical Very High player currently...only the very best will still be in Very High, while nearly everyone will not make the cut.

                        So for most people it is better to focus on trying to get a good friends list and play with people you know. Don't worry about the skill bracket.>>>>

                        That's actually not true. This is my bracket repartition.



                          That doesn't negate his point. It just shows that you are one of the much better players out there. Most pubstompers I played with from the Garena days reached very high in under 50 games and stayed there all the way. It may not feel that way to you but this just shows that you are at least in the middle-high portions of Very High, i.e. at least top 10% in the world.

                          Primordial Soup

                            @ztgrghqsdf Do you mean an option to search for a ranked or unranked match?


                              I feel so noob reading your comments. I play dota because I love it the competitive nature of it is an addition the pleasure of winning against a good team give me pride and of course after a tough loss I get stressed if some people just abuse the system and or find ways just to have an edge with their stats it really saddens me does this make you a better player? For me it is better if you worked hard on your stats faced everyone and not dodge any challenge well that's just me I guess. Some people cheat just to brag about it but that's just despicable.


                                Can someone tell me what's the fun part of playing ursa - wisp - treant every game?

                                Papa Het


                                  look at this player. MMR is a joke. Smurfed with pudge, won the first game hard, is in very high ever since. I can't get out of normal with my main account here, if i'd make a smurf i'd be in very high after the first game.

                                  Cool system!


                                    Sasha Grey
                                    cmon there is enough LOL in dota 2, no what i meant was like when u search match there would be some option u could choose which would be called 'beginners' or so but yeah lets say unranked game, anyway beginners dont care about that since they are here just to learn the game step by step, and i must say it must be annoying for them to have retarded smurfs in every game


                                      @Papa Het and after a few games you would be in Normal again. What's your point?